Objective: The students will complete reading of Act III.
1. Turn in Act III Translation
2. Notes Act III-2 and 3
3. Read Act III 2-3
4. Enjoy your weekend. Read some.
All Regular and Honors Classes Daily/Period Activity Log
Objective: The students will complete reading of Act III.
1. Turn in Act III Translation
2. Notes Act III-2 and 3
3. Read Act III 2-3
4. Enjoy your weekend. Read some.
Objective: The students will read the turning point of the play.
1. Finish Act III Presentations
2. Notes: Act III Scene 1
3. Read Act III Scene 1
4. Outside Book
Objective: The students will know important stuff for Act III
1. Period 5: WP from yesterday that you didn't remind me to do.
2. Turn in Storyboard.
3. Presentations (Let's do four). Including Roman Clothing.
4. Act III Vocabulary
Activity 1: Act III Vocabulary Exercise
1. reek (verb)
2. cumbersome (adj.)
3. enfranchisement (noun)
4. oration (noun)
5. couch (verb)
6. compel (verb)
7. leaden (adj.)
8. abridge (verb)
9. fond (adj.)
10. apprehensive (adj.)
Note: 6 on synonyms: make leaden. Leaden means dull, not sharp.
Objective: The students will finish Act I and II Storyboards.
1. All Research Papers are graded!!
2. WP Number _____
3. Complete the Act II Review and turn it in to the white basket.
4. Finish the Act I-II Storyboard. This will be turned in tomorrow.