Friday, March 07, 2025

Day 128

Objective:  The students will complete reading of Act III.

1.  Turn in Act III Translation

2.  Notes Act III-2 and 3

3. Read Act III 2-3

4.  Enjoy your weekend.  Read some.

Thursday, March 06, 2025

Day 127

Objective:  The students will read more of Act III.

1.  WP

2.  Notes

3.  Read

4.  Act III Traslation

Wednesday, March 05, 2025

Day 126

Objective:  The students will read the turning point of the play.

1.  Finish Act III Presentations

2.  Notes:  Act III Scene 1

3.  Read Act III Scene 1

4.  Outside Book

Tuesday, March 04, 2025

Day 125

Objective:  The students will know important stuff for Act III

1.  Period 5:  WP from yesterday that you didn't remind me to do.

2.  Turn in Storyboard.

3.  Presentations (Let's do four).  Including Roman Clothing.

4.  Act III Vocabulary

 Activity 1:  Act III Vocabulary Exercise

1. reek (verb)

2. cumbersome (adj.)

3. enfranchisement (noun)

4. oration (noun)

5. couch (verb)

6. compel (verb)

7. leaden (adj.)

8. abridge (verb)

9. fond (adj.)

10. apprehensive (adj.)

Note: 6 on synonyms: make leaden. Leaden means dull, not sharp.

Monday, March 03, 2025

Day 124

Objective:  The students will finish Act I and II Storyboards.

1.  All Research Papers are graded!!  

2.  WP Number _____

3.  Complete the Act II Review and turn it in to the white basket.

4.  Finish the Act I-II Storyboard.  This will be turned in tomorrow. 

The sophomore class officers have been working really hard on the Prom Fashion Show.  The show is this Friday, March 7 at 6:30 pm and tickets are on sale now at the Tickets are $7 pre-sale and $10 at the door.  Our juniors and seniors are showcasing fashion looks from local boutiques, various shops and designers.   We are also including a few show stopping looks by a New York designer for the students to wear. 

This year we are extremely thankful for our several community sponsors as well as sponsors including Mission Inn Florist, Spaghetti Factory and a special gift from the New York fashion and beauty industry. There will be a guaranteed special gift giveaway from The Fragrance Group  for the first 100 tickets purchased at  You must be in attendance to receive this gift giveaway.  For those that are not able to purchase a pre-sale ticket, there will be additional special gifts at the door the night of the show. This is an event you won’t want to miss!  

P.S. If you attend you will receive the free $90 gift as well!