Friday, December 19, 2014

Good Luck Mr. McDermott

Objective:  The students will view a video and analyze how it is an allusion to something that we have read in class.

1.  Get handout.
2.  Define the two terms using your phones.
3.  Watch video
4.  Complete the assignment for 100 points.

Homework over the holiday.  NONE!  Hug your family.  Enjoy friends.  Eat some great food.  Exercise so that you don't gain weight.  Maybe read a good book.  Put the phone away for a few hours.  Oh yeah... and watch Oregon beat Florida State on New Year's Day!  Have a great holiday!

Warren :)

Thursday, December 18, 2014

LotF Final Day

**Take out a pencil and clear off your desk**

Make sure your answer document has your name on it before you start marking it. You have the entire class period to finish the test.

**When finished: place your test in the white basket and bring your answer document to Mr. McD so he can score it**


Wednesday, December 17, 2014

No More LotF Reading!!!

Objective:  The students will present the RESOLUTION of the book.

1.  Get your folders
2.  Ch. 12 Presentation
3.  LotF Review Worksheet

If you borrowed a copy of LotF, please return it by tomorrow so they can be checked back in to the library!!!

Best Something Extras: Folk Song by Justin Johnson (have him sing it for you) & LotF movie trailer by Kayla Pina (on youtube)

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Two MOre Days

Objective:  The students will present the CLIMAX of the book.

1.  Get folders and LOTF
2.  Chapter 11 Presentation
3.  Finish the Book. 

If I see phones out playing that STUPID QUIZ game I will destroy them!!!

Monday, December 15, 2014

Good Morning Everyone!

Objective:  The students will present the chapter before the CLIMAX of LotF.

1.  Get folders and LotF books.
2.  Chapter 10 Presentation
3.  Read Chapter 11 (the climax)

Week Plan:  Mon:  Chapter 10
                    Tues:  Chapter 11
                    Wed:  Chapter 12

                    Thurs:  LotF 300 point test
                    Fri:  LotF Simpson's Allusion Video

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Ch. 8 Presentation and Discussion

Objective: The students will present their assigned Chapter from Lord of the Flies

 Grab you folders, a copy of LotF, and pull out your WP and a quiz paper to be ready for the presentation. Those that are presenting come up to the computer and prepare your presentation.

Your "Listening" grade is in effect right when the bell rings!!!

1. Ch. 8 Presentation
- Quiz
-Dialectical Journal Discussion
-"Something Extra"

2. Discuss key parts of Chapter as a class.
3.. Read some of Ch. 9

Template for Dialectical Journals (remove existing text)

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Ch. 7 Presentation

Objective: The students will present their assigned Chapter from Lord of the Flies

 Grab you folders, a copy of LotF, and pull out your WP and a quiz paper to be ready for the presentation. Those that are presenting come up to the computer and prepare your presentation.

Your "Listening" grade is in effect right when the bell rings!!!

1. Ch. 7 Presentation
2. Read some of Ch. 8

Tuesday, December 09, 2014

Presentation 2

Objective:  The students will present their assigned chapters of Lord of the Flies.

1.  Get folder and LotF novel.
2.  Presentation 2:  Chapter 6 Group.
3. Read Ch. 7

Remember:  You are getting "Listening and Participation Points" for being in the audience.  From now on the projects will be graded a little tougher and so will the "Listening and Participation Points".

Monday, December 08, 2014

Presentation 1

Objective:  The students will present their assigned chapters of Lord of the Flies.

1.  Get folder and LotF novel.
2.  Presentation 1:  Chapter 5 Group.

Remember:  You are getting "Listening and Participation Points" for being in the audience.  Positive points are added to your 100 points for good questions and comments, and points will be deducted for negative behavior.

3.  Read Chapter 6.  The BEAST comes!

Need Extra Credit???  The play Miracle Worker begins on Wednesday.  Attend and then do a 1 page MLA typed critique of the play for up to 100 points.  (I need proof that you attended.  Take a photo of you in your seat).

Friday, December 05, 2014

Get Ready for your Presentations!!!

Objective: Students will have their LotF projects modeled for them before they start presenting them.

Grab your folders and a copy of Lord of the Flies

1. LotF Ch. 4 Part 2 Quiz
2. WP # ??
3. Ch. 4. Dialectical Journals Discussed
4. Begin reading Ch. 5
5. Meet with your group!

Thursday, December 04, 2014

Debate Time!

Objective: Students will practice rational thinking and reasoning similar to what the kids from the novel experienced.

Grab your folders, a copy of LotF, a blank piece of paper, and check your poster for your grade!

1. LotF Quiz Ch. 4 (so far)
2. Read rest of Ch. 4
3. "Who Will Survive" Debate

Tuesday, December 02, 2014

LotF Ch. 4 and Group Work

Objective:  The students will finish their group project for "Who Will Survive?" and Read Ch. 4

1.  Get folders, LotF book and your Dialectical Journals Ch. 3
2. Discuss Dialectical Journals
3. Read Ch. 4 up until Pg. 68 "Come back! Come back!"
4. Finish "Who Will Survive?" Activity

**No more Dialectical Journals- except for your assigned chapter**

**ALL WORK not picked up from folders by the end of the day today will be THROWN AWAY TOMORROW**

Monday, December 01, 2014

Already December!

Objective:  The students will discuss the symbols from LotF so that can follow their development throughout the novel.

1.  Get folders and a LotF book.
2.  Notes on Symbols
3.  Discuss Reading/Presentation Schedule
4.  Complete Chapter 2 Reading and Dialectic Journal

Note:  Use this website for full text of Lord of the Flies