Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Day 24

Objective:  The students will complete last WP for first packet and then do some creative writing using what they know about characterization.

1.  Roll Quiz:  LOTF Chapter 5 25 points

2.  WP Number 10

3. Direct to Indirect Characterization:  Character Sketch:  This is due typed.  Double spaced.  In MLA format.  Formal Writing Rules DO NOT apply to this.  THIS IS DUE BEFORE NEXT CLASS!!!!

4.  Turn in WP Packet 1-10.  This is going to take some time.  I hope your camera is working!  If you have all 10 complete, it is a 100.  If you have 9 done, it is 90, etc...  

Day 23

 Objective:  The students will discuss the characterization of Jack in Chapter 4.

1.  Roll Quiz on GC

2.  Discuss Chapter 4

3.  Read Chapter 5 (if we have 100% of Chapter 4 turned in, you will not have to do any work.  Just read it).

Monday, September 28, 2020

Day 22

Objective:  The students will work on Characterization of Jack, the antagonist of LOTF.

1.  Roll Quiz

2.  WP Number 9

3.  Turn in Everyday Use Characterization Chart

4.  Read LOTF Chapter 4 and complete the Characterization Chart for Jack in GC.  Start it now.  I will monitor that everyone is doing it.  Finish it today during Independent timeIt is due before next class.  I will grade it 10 minutes before class starts.  If you don't do it, it will have to be incomplete (a zero in the grade book).  You have plenty of time.  It is a total of 14 pages.

Summer Work is Due Tuesday at Midnight.

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Day 21

Objective:  The students will practice analyzing how an author creates a character.

1.  Roll Quiz 10 points

2.  WP:  "Everyday Use"

3.  Discuss the chapter

4.  "Everyday Use" assignment.  It is in GC.

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Day 20

Objective:  The students will read a pretty cool story that is perfect to teach characterization.


1.  Characterization Notes:


What is characterization?  Characterization is how a character is revealed to readers.  Writers reveal character traits to the reader two ways:


a)      Direct Characterization:  The writer simply tells readers what the character is like.  STRAIGHT OUT.  Joe is a nice boy who cares about others.


b)      Indirect Characterization:  The writer presents the character in a more subtle way, and the reader has to figure out what type of character he/she is.  There are three different methods:


1)      Physical description:  The author describes the appearance of the character.

2)      TWA of the character:  Thoughts, words and actions of the character reveal himself.

TWA of other characters:  Thoughts, words and actions of other characters toward the character reveal the character

2.  Read the story "Everyday Use":

3.  You can listen and follow along to this link:  It is 24 minutes, so finish it after class.

4.  Take the day off from Lord of the Flies.

Monday, September 21, 2020

Day 19

 Objective:  The students will read the next story for the class:  "Everyday Use."

1.  LOTF Chapter 2 Quiz

2.  Chapter 2 Lit Notes on Character

3.  LOTF Chapter 2 Dialectic Journal in GC

4.  Read Chapter 3 of LOTF

5.  Essay Rewrites

6.  Outside Book

Chapter 2 Notes:  Character and Characterization



What is a character?  A character is a person or thing with action in a story.


What is a protagonist?  A protagonist is the main character in the plot


What is an antagonist?  The antagonist is the character that causes the conflict.


What is a round character?  A round character is a fully developed character that has the qualities of real people.  They have many different personality traits.


What is a flat character?  A flat character is not fully developed.  They are two-dimensional characters with only one or two personality traits.


What is a stock character?  A flat character that is a stereotype.  A character that fits our preconceived ideas about their “type.”  Like a dumb blonde or a mad scientist.


What is a dynamic character?  A dynamic character is one that changes in an important way at some point in the story.  By the end of the story a dynamic character has gained some new understanding, made an important decision or taken a crucial action.


What is a static character?  A character that does not change.  These are usually subordinate characters. 


Thursday, September 17, 2020

Day 18

 Objective:  The students will discuss LOTF Chapter 1 reading and complete a dialectical journal.

1.  LOTF Chapter 1 Quiz for points

2.  LOTF Chapter 1 Dialectical Journal

3.  Read Chapter 2...  As you read, think about what would be important to put on a Dialectical Journal if we were going to do one...  Hint.

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Day 17

Objective:  The students will read the first chapter of Lord of the Flies after teacher introduction.


1.  Aeries Note:  Watch your grade.  Sometimes the "import" function of GC doesn't seem to work properly.

2.  Essays:  I am working on grading them now.  I should be done by Thursday night.

3.  Vocabulary Grades from yesterday:  I can't mark which ones that you got incorrect (well I guess I could, but that will take forever), so just know that I was fair.  If you want me to mark it for you, then I will, but I will probably find more errors and your original grade may go down.

4.  LOTF Intro:  You take notes.

5.  Read Chapter 1:  There will be a real quiz for points tomorrow.

Monday, September 14, 2020

Day 16

 Objective:  The students will know important vocabulary for this weeks story.

We will start Lord of the Flies on Wednesday

1.  Turn in Essay to GC

2.  Roll Quiz

3.  Everyday Use Vocabulary

1.  Sidle (v)

2.  Furtive (adj.)

3.  Doctrines (n)

4.  Cowering (v)

5.  Rifling (v)

6.  Oppress (v)

7.  Doleful (adj.)

8.  Ignominiously (adv.)  ig no min ee ous ly

9.  Contempt (n)

10. Irreverent (adj. )