Friday, August 30, 2024

Day 15

Objective:  The students will read their second short story.

Late Passes:  You have two for the semester.  After that... No late work.

1.  Chapter 1 Notes:  Review old stuff and Sequence new stuff.

2.   Close Read "Long Way Home."

3.  Print out and turn in Romantic Tone Writing:  Get a highlighter out and highlight all of your positive, romantic connotative words.

Have a great relaxing weekend! 

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Day 14

Objective:   The students will practice some creative tone writing.

Get your computers out.

1.  WP #6

2.  Go over The Pedestrian Paragraph 1

3.  The Pedestrian Creative Writing:  Tone

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Day 13

Objective:  The students will analyze the first story.

1.  WP Number 5

2.  Go over the first two paragraphs of story close reading.

3.  Work on the questions for the story.

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Day 12

Objective:  The students will read the first short story of the year.

1.  Go over vocab denotations (definitions) and turn in after.

2.  Chapter 1 Notes:  Plot

3.  "The Pedestrian" close reading.

Monday, August 26, 2024

Day 11

Objective:  The students will know important vocabulary for our first story.

Congratulations to all football players on a huge win! 

Seating Chart:  Sit where you will be for the rest of the semester.

1.  Get the two handouts and turn in your essay to the basket.

2.  The Pedestrian vocabulary assignment.


On the vocabulary sheet complete the following:


1.  Write the word in the first column

2.  Define the word in the second column.  Put the definition in simple, easy to understand meaning.

3.  Divide the word into syllables in the third column.  Example:  Riv/et/ed

4.  On the backside, write an original sentence.


This week’s words:


1.  Regressive (adj.)              6.  Manifest (v)

2.  Scrutinized (v.)                7.  Pilgrimage (n)

3.  Enticing (adj.)                  8.  Intermittent (adj.)

4.  Ebbing (v)                        9.  Riveted (v.)

5.  Subjective (adj.)              10. Incandescence (n)

Friday, August 23, 2024

Day 10

Objective:  The students will finish the essay and proof read.  They will then print it out for Monday turn in.

1.  Closing Paragraph:  Apply what you have proven to the bigger picture (all people, the future, the world).  It's three sentences.  Make sure you don't use "you."

2.  Proof Read

3.  Print on the class computer.

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Day 9

Objective:  The students will finish the body of their essay.

1.  Write Body Paragraph Number 2.  I will look at all of you papers on the big screen (as time allows).

This is due tomorrow.

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Day 8

Objective:  The students will finish the first three paragraphs of our essay.

1.  Get the handout and your computer.

2.  Discuss how to properly use integrated quotes notes PP.

4.  Let's look at some of your papers on the big screen.

5.  Today and tomorrow we will write the third paragraph.

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Day 7

Objective:  The students will finish the first two paragraphs of our essay.

1.  Get the handout and your computer.

2.  Open to our Google Classroom.

3.  Open up the doc I have in there for you and we will walk through the MLA setup.

4.  Type the intro paragraph that we wrote yesterday.

5.  Get the first piece (less agreed with) and write that paragraph.

Monday, August 19, 2024

Day 6

Objective:  The students will begin writing the essay.

No seating chart yet because they are still moving students to balance classes.

1.  WP Number 4 (see below if absent)

2.  Get out The Sports Gene for points and score.

3.  Go over the prompt again and fill in the thesis statement at the bottom that we started.

4.  Outline Essay

5.  Inverted Triangle Format Into Notes


Writing Practice:  The Sports Gene 3

     The Achilles tendon is a tendon on the back of the leg.  And it is the thickest tendon in the human body.  It attaches the calf muscles to the heal bone.  The name comes from the Mythological Account of Achilles being held by the heal by his mother when she dipped him in the River Styx as a baby to render him invulnerable.  Since the heel never touched the water it was his only vulnerable spot.  It eventually lead to his death.



Friday, August 16, 2024

Day 5

Objective:  The students will complete analysis of The Sports Gene.

Note:  I heard the Football players and the Cheer Squad did a great job yesterday.  Good luck to Volleyball today too.

Book Checkout:  Period 0:  8:15     Period 1:  9:00     Period 2:   10:00    Period 4:  12:00    Period 5:  1:30

1.  WP Number 3

2.  Discuss the reading.

3.  Complete the Questions

4.  Website Quiz

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Day 4

Objective:  The students will close read the second piece for our first essay.

1.  WP #2

2.  Turn in The Outliers for grade.

3.  Close Read The Sports Gene

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Day 3

Objective:  The students will know about the Outside Reading Requirement and see a great example of Close Reading.

1.  Roll

2.  Digital Citizenship Lesson

3. and Outside Reading Requirement/Book List

4.  WP Number 1

5.  Score and Discuss Outliers

6.  First Novel:  The Count of Monte Cristo

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Day 2

Objective:  The students will close read their first piece for our first essay.

1.  Roll and Bathroom Rules.

2.  Rhetorical Devices Notes

3.  Close Read Outliers:  The Story of Success and answer all questions.

Monday, August 12, 2024

Day 1


Objective:  The students will know expectations for this class and begin their first close reading assignment.

1.  Sit anywhere that you feel comfortable and you will not be distracted.

2.  Roll and Intro

3.  Formal Writing Rules Copy to Notes

3.  Essay #1 Prompt Discussion

4.  Notes on Close Reading:

5.  Rhetorical Devices Notes:

6.  Close Read "The Outliers" 


Warren’s Close Reading Rules and Order of Tasks.


Every time that I hand you a literary piece that has been copied in the office, you will be required to Close Read.

When you close read, you will observe facts and details about the text. You may focus on a particular passage, or on the text as a whole. Your aim may be to notice all striking features of the text, including rhetorical features, structural elements, cultural references; literary devices, figurative language, and anything else that we learn during the year.

To do this, you MUST have a pen and one or two highlighters (I actually like to have many different colors).

"Annotating" means underlining or highlighting key words and phrases—anything that strikes you as surprising or significant, or that raises questions—as well as making notes in the margins” (Harvard University).


For Non-Fiction, you will want to try to identify the:



   Evidence that supports claims


For Fiction, you will want to focus on:


Before you start to read:

1. Highlight and label Title

2.Highlight and label Author

3.Highlight and label source (if it appeared in a publication)

4.Highlight and label the date that it was written.  When you do this, think about what was happening in the world during the time period that it was written.

5.If the piece is short, number all the paragraphs.

While you read:

1. Keep in mind why you are reading the piece (The Writing Prompt).

2.Highlight and annotate in the margin.

3.Try to identify what you are looking for (claims, evidence or TTSCANDI information).

Reread, reread and reread until you know the piece.


Harvard University Writing Center