Objective: The students will complete the play.
1. Notes
2. Read
3. Turn in Notes Packet
All Regular and Honors Classes Daily/Period Activity Log
Objective: The students will complete the play.
1. Notes
2. Read
3. Turn in Notes Packet
Objective: The students will read some of Act V and complete yesterday's review.
Tomorrow you will have a sub while I grade your 3rd Quarter District Writing Test. Zero Period you have been warned!
1. Act V Scene 1-2 Notes
2. Read Act V Scene 1-2
3. Act IV Review and Translation.
Objective: The students will read Act IV.
1. Presentations: Second Triumvirate and Phillipi
2. Notes
3. Read Act IV
Objective: We have one goal this week: To finish the play!!
1. Presentations: Rhetoric and Oration, Marc Antony, Helvius Cinna
2. Notes
3. Read
4. Act III Review
Objective: The students will translate another soliloquy.
1. Notes
2. Read
3. Translate
4. Leave
Objective: The students will read about Caesar's death.
1. Presentations: Tragedy, Women, Senate and Cicero.
2. Notes
3. Read
4. Watch the scene video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8bcamTjFRUU
Objective: The students will complete Act I and II Story Board.
1. Use the sane paper, the bottom three boxes for three major events from Act II. Due today.
Tomorrow is Ides of March (minus 1) Dress Day. See me in the morning for your sign sheet.
Objective: The students will finish reading Act II.
1. Presentation: Artimidorus
2. Read Act II Scene 2
3. Notes
4. Finish reading
5. Act II Review
Objective: The students will read more of the play.
Note: Remember, the Ides of March (minus one) is this Thursday! Get that clothing ready.
1. Presentations: Portia and Calpurnia.
2. Read the rest of Act II Scene 1
Outside Book.
Objective: The students will read most of Act II Scene 1.
1. Presentation: Year of Confusion
2. Notes
3. Read
4. Translation Number 2
Objective: The students will analyze the three most important events from Act I.
Note: I have an unexpected situation that came up. Be great.
You will like this activity!
1. Julius Caesar Storyboard. You will use the TOP THREE BOXES ONLY! Draw three important events from Act I. You will need FIVE things in each box: Drawing, Word Bubble, Setting (time/place), Tone/Mood. You can not do the event from my example of amazing artwork. (see sample)
2. This is due tomorrow.
Objective: The students will know stuff for Act II reading.
1. Presentations: Marcus Cato, Slavery, Suicide
2. Act II Vocabulary
Activity 1: Act III Vocabulary Exercise
1. interpose (v)
2. spurn (v)
3. disperse (v)
4. insurrection (n)
5. hideous (adj)
6. semblance (n)
7. cognizance (n)
8. redress (v)
9. construe (v)
10. carrion (n)
Objective: The students will present three topics then complete Act Review.
1. Presentations (Clothing, Astrology, Augury)
2. Ides of March Dress Day: Ides of March Minus One (March 14)
3. Finish Act I Review
Objective: The student will finish reading Act I.
1. WP Number 9
2. Act I Scene 3 Notes
3. Read Act I Scene 3
4. Act I Review
Julius Caesar Act I
“Julius Caesar” was warned at the beginning of the play. As him and his wife were walking to the Festival of Lupercal games, a man approached him. The old fortune-teller said that Caesar should beware the Ideas of March. Although Caesar has shown earlier that he believes in superstitions he ignores the old man. He calls him a dreamer and continues to the games. Readers know that the warning foreshadows Caesars upcoming murder.
Objective: The students will finish reading of Act I Scene 2.
1. Notes
2. Read
3. Act I Translation