Objective: The students will complete the district final.
1. Complete the district final. If you do not complete it, you lose 300 points.
2. Book reports are done.
Have a great break. Thanks for making my job fun!
All Regular and Honors Classes Daily/Period Activity Log
Objective: The students will complete the district final.
1. Complete the district final. If you do not complete it, you lose 300 points.
2. Book reports are done.
Have a great break. Thanks for making my job fun!
Objective: The students will turn in book reports.
1. Get books and reports ready to turn in.
2. I will call you up for oral question.
3. Final: Bring charged computer for District Final.
Objective: The students will complete the outside reading.
1. Period 1: District Final: Go to google classroom and complete the final. Do your best. No one leaves early today so take your time.
2. Book reports.
Objective: The students will complete the last WP of the semester.
Have a candy cane. Happy Holidays!
1. WP #30
2. Turn in WP Packet
3. Finish Book Report (Due Monday. No late papers).
Objective: The students will finish their books.
Well it looks like all of you plan on turning in your book reports on the last day and making me scramble to finish them all before grades are due. Oh my am I going to be in a bad mood!
Make sure that they are all turn in printed and with the book on Monday before 3 pm. If you are absent because you suddenly get "sick," make sure that they both get here some how some way. NO LATE PAPERS WILL BE GRADED OF BOOKS LOOKED AT.
1. WP 29. Tomorrow the last one.
2. Books and Reports.
Objective: The students will complete outside reading.
All projects are done. I could not find names on a few and some of you don't have grades in Aeries. See me if this is you!
1. WP: Characterization Review
2. I am all caught up with grading! So, let's get out our phones and pull up your grade on Aeries. This is your grade now.
Let me check the box now that says "Grading Complete" for the Outside Book. This will be your grade if you fail the Outside Book.
I am leaving it like this! I will send an email to your parents to make sure they know that you need to be reading!
3. Outside Book:
Objective: The students will complete outside reading.
1. WP: Connotation Review
2. Outside Book:
3. Extra Credit: This is the last week for Extra Credit. Since you all have waited until the last week, you can only do one thing for up to 100 points. See warrenmlk.com for details.
Objective: The students will work on outside book.
1. Work on Outside Book. Only TWO of you are done so you will all have something to do.
2. If you need more to do, I will find it!Objective: The students will work on outside book.
1. Work on Outside Book. Only TWO of you are done so you will all have something to do.
2. If you need more to do, I will find it!
Objective: The students will show that they know how to analyze a satire.
1. Grab a handout. Get a pen and a highlighter. Get a piece of lined paper.
2. Analyze/Close Read the satire.
3. Write a 3 paragraph essay answering the prompt. Shoe me that you haved learned:
1) Inverted Triangle Intro
2) How to write a good body paragraph (TS, Fact, Quote, Analysis, Analysis, Fact, Quote, Analysis, Analysis).
3) Integrate Quotes
Objective: The students will work on their original satire.
1. WP
2. Complete your satire. Print it and have it ready before class tomorrow.
3. Outside Book.
Objective: The students will create their own original satire.
Congratulations Cross Country on a great season!
1. WP: Parallel Structure
2. Learn with Book: Create your own satirical advertisement.
3. Writing:
Create your own advertisement for a new “invention” in the form of a
satire. It should include at least ¾
page of writing, graphics, etc. This can be done by hand or computer. It will be printed.
Objective: The students will complete outside reading.
Note: I found a Retainer (for teeth). I know they are expensive and parents get mad if they are lost, so I picked it up and saved it. Is it yours?
1. WP Number 24
2. Do the student survey in your GC.
and another student project:
3. Turn in your TWO song satires.
4. Outside Book.
Have a great break.
Objective: The students will read and analyze another satire.
1. WP Moral vs Theme
2. "Dirty Laundry" Satire
3. Outside Book
Objective: The students will listen to a satirical song.
1. WP Number 22
2. Satirical Song Analysis
3. Do survey in your Google Classroom
4. Outside Book
Objective: The students will learn about satires and their purpose.
1. WP
2. Satire Notes
3. "Learn with Book" reading and assignment (get your own sheet of paper and a highlighter).
Homework: Outside Book
Objective: The students will complete movie and work on outside reading.
1. Complete the movie.
2. Have you all turned in your song list to google classroom for me to grade these projects?
3. Outside Book: You should carry it with you each day and read it when you have spare time. Don't be the student who is crying at the end of the semester.
4. Return the work in the back before Friday.
Objective: The students will watch more of the movie and work on outside book.
1. Does everyone have an outside book yet? I will be emailing and Parent Squaring your parents today to tell them about the 650 points and what will happen if you don't complete it.
2. Movie
3. Did everyone turn in you Theme Poem/Poster? I am grading now.
Have a great weekend.
Objective: The students will watch the video.
1. Turn in your printed Theme for Honors Lit poem. Staple the mini-poster to the back.
2. Video
3. Outside reading.
Objective: The students will know the requirements for the Outside Reading.
1. By Thursday, print out you Theme Poem. Staple to the Theme Poster.
2. Outside Reading Requirement: 650 points to grade.
250 points for pages read.
100 points for Close Reading (not just coloring)
100 points for Oral Question (or 70, or 40 or 0)
200 points for the Written Report
3. Thursday and Friday: Monte Cristo Movie (bring your Outside Book if you do not want to watch it. You will be quiet Brynlee, Izabella, Macy, Natalie, AuDrey, Mikayla, Nadya, Leslie, Maham, and Maddy.
Objective: The students will pass the Monte Cristo Final.
1. In google classroom, open up the assignment that I just put in and do the following:
Put a link to each one of your songs with title in order of how they are on your soundtrack/booklet. Each Person needs to turn one in.
2. Take Monte Cristo Final: There are no misspelled words or mistakes. There are tricks, so read carefully the answers.
3. If you close read for Extra Credit, show it to me.
Objective: The students will read and analyze a poem. They will also write one. Then they will finish projects.
1. Notes
2. Theme for English B Group Analysis
1. Type your own Theme for Honors Lit
1. Work on Project: Bring your stuff. Make it look like you have had 2 months (which you have) to complete it. It's due on Tuesday and I will grade hard if I hear you're not working.
Objective: The students will show that they know Chapters 51-60 and get lots of extra credit.
Today is a day to make up for quizzes that you have failed (if any) or missed. I didn't read, so it should be easy points for you (if you read).
1. Get out your Questions for me to give a quick grade.
2. Get a piece of small piece paper out for a one question quiz. Pass and play. Fail and write.
3. Stump the Teacher. Or essay.
4. Finish Monte Cristo by next Tuesday. Test on Tuesday. Project due on Wednesday.
Objective: The students will discuss the story then complete questions to ask tomorrow.
1. Go over "Catch the Moon" handout. Turn in for points.
2. Complete all of your questions to "Stump the Teacher." Remember:
Chapters 51-60
Two questions and answers for each chapter.
You must pass a quiz to participate.
3. If you are unclear about anything in the chapters, today is the day to ask me for clarification.
Objective: The students will analyze the short story.
We have a chill day so that we can all catch up on stuff.
1. Catch the Moon handout.
2. Stump the Teacher. You have until Tuesday. Two Questions/Answers per chapter. 51-60. Total of 20 questions. You should be on Chapter 57-58 now.
Objective: The students will finish the short story.
1. Get a lit book.
2. WP Number 20
3. Turn in WP Packet 11-20
4. Finish "Catch the Moon."
5. Stump the Teacher Chapters 55-56 (I hope you're working on this. Easy points or an essay!)
6. Be safe tonight!
Objective: The students will read half of a short story.
1. Get a lit book.
2. WP Number ______
3. Unit 4 Notes: Theme
4. Read 1/2 of "Catch the Moon."
5. Monte Cristo Chapters for Stump the Teacher. You should be on Chapter 53-54.
Objective: The students will discuss how we will finish Monte Cristo.
We have 21 chapters left. That's exactly 2 weeks. We will finish the book, have a 300 point final, and complete your project.
1. Discuss Monte Cristo Chapters 48-50 and turn in Study Guide.
2. Chapters 51-60: "Stump the Teacher." You will read 2 chapters a night. You will write TWO questions and answers to ask me NEXT TUESDAY. If I don't know them, you get 5 points extra credit for each that I don't know. You will have to pass a ONE QUESTION QUIZ to be able to participate.
3. Project: It is due exactly TWO WEEKS from today.
4. Print your District Writing Test.
Objective: The students will complete the district writing test.
Sub tomorrow and Monday. Be great. If your name is mentioned as bad, you will fail the district writing test. And it is a grade in Aeries.
1. Discuss Chapter 46 of MC.
2. District Writing Test:
Thursday: Close Read the three sources. Read MC 47
Friday: Pre-writing (anything on paper handwritten is fine). Read MC 48
Monday: Typing. You will only have the one period to type it. Read MC 49-50
3. Monte Cristo reading. Chapter 47: The Promise
Objective: The students will analyze the story.
1. Monte Cristo 45 Quiz: 1000 points period 5.
2. Complete "The Beginning of Grief" analysis handout.
3. Monte Cristo New Characters: Madam St. Meran (and the dead husband)
4. Read Chapter 46 (five pages)
Objective: The students will read a story and analyze its characters, POV and symbols.
1. Discuss/Quiz (period 5) on Chapter 44
2. Read (not close read) "The Beginning of Grief." Be ready to discuss:
a) POV
b) Characters
c) Symbols (hair, eyes, the kids, hands)
3. Read an amazing chapter: Chapter 45: The Summer Ball. Dantes "talks" alone with Mercedes for the first time in 24 years.
Objective: The students will know important words for this week's short story.
1. WP Number ___
2. Discuss MC Chapters 41-43
3. "Beginning of Grief" Vocab
4. MC Chapter 44
Vocabulary Exercise
1. Unison (n)
2. Prudent (adj)
3. Excruciating (adj)
4. Conscience (n)
5. Interrogate (v)
6. Periphery (n)
7. Futile (adj)
8. Torment (v)
9. Judicious (adj)
1 Indignation (n)
This is for Friday: 10/18
You have a sub today. You WILL be good.
Objective: The students will complete as much of the movie as possible.
1. Movie from 36:22. Remember, if you don't want to watch it, you are still expected to be quiet.
2. Monte Cristo Chapters 41-43
Objective: The students will have a chill day to watch what they have just read.
Note for Zero Period: The next two days we are watching the movie, Twelve Angry Men. If there is a day that you have an early morning "doctor's appointment," tomorrow would be a good day to schedule it.
Note 2: I have a conference tomorrow in L.A. You will have a sub. Be great!
1. Movie
2. Read Monte Cristo Chapters 41-43 by Monday and complete study guide.
Objective: The students will finish the play.
1. Get out the MC Study Guide for me to look at.
2. Discuss any questions from the study guide.
3. Read Act 3.
No MC tonight unless you are behind.
Objective: The students will read Act II of the play.
1. WP Number _____
2. Act II Reading
3. Monte Cristo Chapter Chapter 40.
Objective: The students will do some character analysis before we read the play.
1. Discuss Monte Cristo Chapter 36: Toxicology.
2. Twelve Angry Men: Discuss vocabulary definitions. Turn in.
3. Twelve Angry Men Characters: Get out two different colored highlighters.
4. Read Chapter 37: The Rise and Fall of Stocks. I will explain it to you.
Objective: The students will know important trial terms for our play that we will read.
1. Talk about the MC Chapters (period 5 you get a quiz). Add new characters to Character Chart. Madame Villefort, Edward, and Valentine.
2. Twelve Angry Men vocab.
3. Read Chapter 36. Toxicology. Try to figure out what the Count is trying to get Madam Villefort to do.
Objective: The students will write a great AP paragraph.
1. Get out the MC Study Guide. Let me see it.
1b: Period 5 Quiz
2. AP Writing: The Treasure Metaphor: In Chapter 32, The Count of Monte Cristo discusses his wealth with Danglars. This is a very important metaphor. In a paragraph, explain it.
3. Read MC 34-35
Objective: The students will practice writing an AP quality paragraph.
1. MC Quiz 31
2. AP Style Writing: "The Presentation" paragraph. Answer te following in a great paragraph:
Does Mercedes know that the Count of Monte Cristo is Dantes when she meets him for the first time after a 23 year absence from her life?
3. Monte Cristo Chapters 32-33 reading: Think: Dantes does not want to kill his enemies (or he already would have). What do you think he is going to do?
Objective: The students will see/hear an example of a perfect five songs for a Soundtrack.
1. Discuss Chapter 30 MC
2. Monte Cristo Song Quiz
3. Work on Project
4. Chapter 31: The Count "meets" Fernand and Mercedes and Study Guide
Objective: The students will finish their creative voice writing.
1. MC Quiz 29 and discuss
Complete creative voice writing. This should be a
fun activity. This is also a two-day assignment. DO NOT USE Snap AI,
Chatgpt, or any other cheat! Use your brain!
Objective: The students will do a bit of creative voice writing.
1. Discuss Monte Cristo Chapter 28 (Period 5 you have a quiz).
2. Open up the new assignment that I put in your Google Classroom. Let's talk about what you are going to do. Then be creative! This should be a fun activity. This is also a two-day assignment. DO NOT USE Snap AI, Chatgtp, or any other cheat! Use your brain!
3. Read Monte Cristo Chapter 29: Know what happens to Albert and think about who set it up and why.
Objective: The students will analyze the short story.
1. WP Number ______
2. Discuss Monte Cristo Chapters from last night: 26-27
3. Finish The Secret Lion Work
4. Read Monte Cristo Chapter 28
WP “The Secret Lion”
In the short story, “The Secret Lion”, the author uses 2 distinct types of diction. And he accomplishes this by writing as if he was in jr. high school. Run-on sentences and specific word choice is evidence of his intended, child-like, thought process. The narrator comes to the realization that fate is ultimately not inescapable through his experiences with the four symbols of the story.