Friday, March 31, 2023

Day 137

Objective:  The students will analyze a poem in pairs.

Rally Day! 

1.  Grab the handout.

2.  In pairs, use yesterday's notes to analyze the poem.  After you analyze the form, find all of the listed things/devices in the poem.

Thursday, March 30, 2023

Day 137

Objective:  The students will analyze a super cool poem by Phillip Booth.

1.  Go over the terms from yesterday's handout work.

2.  Notes:  How to Analyze Poetry

3.  "First Lesson" Analysis.

If you want EC, buy Lord of the Flies.

How to Analyze a Poem:


Before Reading if possible:  Look into the poet and the time period.  This may provide you with information that will help you analyze.  You can use your phone for this.

1.        Identify Form:

a.       Count and label stanzas

b.       Count and label lines if not done already

c.       Look for a rhyme scheme and identify

d.       Look for a specific rhythm (look at the number of syllables in the first few lines.)

2.       Identify the subject/situation of the poem.

3.       Identify the speaker of the poem (NEVER assume the speaker is the poet)

4.       Identify characters in the poem

5.       Find shifts in the poem (in tone, speakers, time periods, etc)

6.       Come up with a UT

7.       Identify Literary Devices






Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Day 136

Objective:  The students will begin their poetry unit by knowing important terms to be used in analysis.

1.  WP Number 9

2.  Poetry Term Handout:  Define each in words that you understand. 

Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Day 135

Objective:  The students will discuss their poem analysis and then work on identifying poetic devices for our poetry unit.

Buy Lord of the Flies if you want Extra Credit to close read.

1.  Discuss your poem interpretation.  I enjoyed seeing you work yesterday.  There was some good thinking happening.

2.  Turn in your poem poster and close reading.

3.  Poetic Device worksheet for 100 points

4.  Outside Book!

Monday, March 27, 2023

Day 134

Objective:  The students will read and analyze an ambiguous poem. 

Note:  We will begin Lord of the Flies on Monday.  If you buy it and close read it, 100 points EC.

1.  Get your graded research papers and take home.

2.  WP

3.  Notes

4.  Group Poem Analysis:  "Nothing Man"

How are your outside books?

Friday, March 17, 2023

Day 133


Students will finish their district writing test this period and turn it in to the front before they leave.

Once you are done, do something QUIETLY until all are done.

Have a good break!

Thursday, March 16, 2023

Day 132

Objective:  The students will write a GREAT essay to  show that they have learned A LOT about writing and analyzing lit this year.

This is Mr. Warren.  Miss ya!  This essay will be part of your grade and part of MY GRADE, so work hard and do what I have taught you.

Here is how I would outline it:  Make sure you use Text quotes and the analyze.  If you need to find a quote, you can use internet for that ONLY.  Don't just summarize.  Write neat! You can use any piece: outside book, poetry/stories we read, Monte Cristo, etc.  Text me if you have questions:  951-880-4804.

Intro:  Include a thesis like:  May authors of literature use different literary devices and techniques to reveal the complexity of their characters.

Body 1:  One thing we have read and what author used:  For example:  "Lamb to the Slaughter" used situational irony to reveal the complex life and situation of the wife.

Body 2:  Another piece/another device

Body 3:  Another piece/another device

Close:  Apply what you have proven to the "bigger picture."

Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Day 131

Beware the Ides of March

1. Come see me for you Character Dress Up Day score w/ paper 


2. Students will work on the District Writing Test, handwritten and NO computers/phones.

Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Day 130

 Objective: Students will do work related to "Lamb to Slaughter" story from yesterday

Grab a Character Dress Up Day paper for tomorrow

1. WP Activity "Lamb to Slaughter"

2. "Lamb to Slaughter" Handout

Monday, March 13, 2023

Day 129


1. Discuss Character Dress Up Day

2. Chapter 5 notes: Irony and Ambiguity

3. Read "Lamb to Slaughter" silently to self, pg 317

Friday, March 10, 2023

Day 128


Students will work on the JC Newspaper Project for most of the period.

REMEMBER: no messing around please, this is due in 3 days at the beginning of the period (March 13th), you should be almost/already done.

If you need something, ask your partners or me!

Thursday, March 09, 2023

Day 127


Students will work on the JC Newspaper Project all period.

REMEMBER: no messing around please, this is due in 4 days (March 13th).

If you need something, ask your partners or me!

Monday, March 06, 2023

Day 126


Hello everyone...  This is Mr. Warren:  My surgery went well.  I am sitting around with my leg up, icing it, doing my "exercises" and watching a lot of movies and basketball.  Bored as heck.  Miss you all.  Thanks for working and being great for Ms. Martinez.  Let me know if you need anything. 

JC Newspaper Project

REMEMBER: no messing around please, this is due in 5 days (March 13th).

If you need something, ask your partners or me!

Day 125


Students will work on the JC Newspaper Project all period.

REMEMBER: no messing around please, this is due in 6 days (March 13th).

If you need something, ask your partners or me!

Day 124


JC Newspaper Project

REMEMBER: no messing around please, this is due March 13th.

If you need something, ask your partners or me!

Friday, March 03, 2023

Day 123

Objective:  The students will finish JC and discuss the week long 300 point final.

Sam go see Mr. West at 240

1.  Notes (I need a lot of readers!!)

2.  Read the end of the play. 

3.  Discuss the JC Newspaper Final worth 300 points.

Thursday, March 02, 2023

Day 122

Objective:  The students will finish presentations then read more JC.

1.  Finish all presentations for grade.

2.  Act V Notes and Read

3.  Ides of March Dress Up Day Info:

Are you all working at home on your outside book????????

Wednesday, March 01, 2023

Day 121

Objective:  The students will read Act IV.

1.  Finish all presentations.

2.  Act IV Notes

3.  Read Act IV (as much as we can)