Objective: The students will read the Funeral Scene of JC.
1. Notes
2. Read
3. Turn in WP Packet 1-10
All Regular and Honors Classes Daily/Period Activity Log
Objective: The students will read the Funeral Scene of JC.
1. Notes
2. Read
3. Turn in WP Packet 1-10
Objective: The students will present Act III topics and then read some of Act III.
5th Period... If I have to put the books away again...
Also, if you have a food tab on the wall, you need to pay it. I will not grade any more of your assignments until you pay!
1. Presentations
2. Notes:
3. Read
4. Finish the storyboard and turn in for points.
State Mandated Survey: Do it now.
Objective: The students will present Act III topics and then read some of Act III.
1. WP
2. Presentations
3. Notes
4. Finish the storyboard and turn in for points.
Objective: The students will complete the Act II Review and Act I-II Storyboard.
1. Today we review what we have read in the play so far. Complete the Act II Review and the Storyboard.
2. Outside Reading!!!!!
Objective: The students will read the rest of Act II and then complete a review and an art (ish) storyboard.
1. Notes
2. Read
3. Act II Review
4. Act I-II Storyboard
How is that outside book? I read 100 pages of my 1400 pager
Objective: The students will read more of JC and complete a No Place for Hate activity.
Rally Day: Third period we will be together for a LONG time.
No Place for Hate activity: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1I1Zx0l-WyboEgJHEhz0CNacRk9l_t91DdiJuXSqhYBc/edit#slide=id.g1124132c18d_0_54
1. Notes and Reading Only Today! Ten pages.
2. Pass back all work. I want those folders clean.
Have a great weekend! Finish that book!
Objective: The students will read and discuss more of Act II of JC.
Turn in yesterday's translation.
1. WP
2. Notes
3. Read 5 Pages
Objective: The students will present, read a bit, then complete their second translation.
1. Presentations
2. Notes
3. Read about 3-4 pages
4. Translation #2
Objective: The students will complete reading of Act I.
1. Notes
2. Read Act I Scene 3
3. Act I Review
Objective: The students will reach Julius Caesar Act I Scene 2.
1. WP
2. Notes
3. Read
4. Act I Translation
Objective: The students will read more of Act I of Julius Caesar.
1. WP
2. Presentations
3. Notes
4. Read
Objective: The students will present topics for today and begin reading Act I Scene 1.
1. Presentations: King Tarquin, First Triumvirate, Pompey, Veni, Vedi, Veci, and Roman War Prosoners.
2. Act I Scene 1 Notes
3. Read Act I Scene 1: Need volunteer readers. Five points extra credit per day. Must be great readers who are LOUD!
Homework: Outside Book.
Objective: The students will know important information about Shakespeare and the Life of Caesar before we start reading the play.
1. First Day of class presentations. Print out your written mini-research paper for grading.
2. Julius Caesar Timeline Discussion: https://docs.google.com/document/d/0B3L_VvieQoSodjBUQ2ItWmI4bFU/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=101482473147710513077&resourcekey=0-fbO0ejEy1vJogn73aP39EA&rtpof=true&sd=true
3. Complete and turn in Act I Vocabulary.
Objective: The students will complete Act I Vocabulary.
Notes: Be respectful to the sub... I know him. Also, make sure your Julius Caesar Mini-Research Paper and Presentations are in Google Classroom by 1:59 today or it's a zero.
1. Get both handouts: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3L_VvieQoSodi0wUHJNbE5hMFE/view?usp=sharing&resourcekey=0-21loieMPflI2p6P0quhBvg
Here are the words: This is due at start of class tomorrow.
1. construe
2. Portentous
3. vulgar
4. cunning
5. servile
6. exalted
7. seduce
8. idle
9. throng
10. yoke
Objective: The students will complete their mini research paper and presentation.
1. WP: Verse vs Prose
2. Finish projects: These are DUE to Google classroom by Monday morning at 1:59. Make sure you check the originality report so that you didn't accidentally plagiarize.
3. Outside Book
Objective: The students will work on their topic to present to the class on Julius Caesar.
Today I am starting to grade research papers. I will need you all working quietly on your projects. If you get loud, then I will assume that you are done and want me to grade your written section today.
1. When you are done with your two parts of the project, upload them into the Google Classroom assignments for plagiarism check. This assignment will be closed on Monday and will not be accepted or scored on Tuesday.
2. Get the handout: https://docs.google.com/document/d/0B3L_VvieQoSoOEE0N1lpZnFrczg/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=101482473147710513077&resourcekey=0-c5S0nrXporHfDoe7MmaiIg&rtpof=true&sd=true
3. Discuss the TWO parts of the project. It is worth 200 points.
4. These Presentations and Papers are Due Monday! 100 points for 1 minute slide show
100 points for mini research paper.)Objective: The students will work on their topic to present to the class on Julius Caesar.
1. No WP Today.
2. Get the handout: https://docs.google.com/document/d/0B3L_VvieQoSoOEE0N1lpZnFrczg/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=101482473147710513077&resourcekey=0-c5S0nrXporHfDoe7MmaiIg&rtpof=true&sd=true
3. Discuss the TWO parts of the project. It is worth 200 points.
4. These Presentations and Papers are Due Monday! 100 points for 1 minute slide show
100 points for mini research paper.
Objective: The students will do a little research into Shakespeare and Julius Caesar before we start the reading.
1. WP: Who wrote Shakespeare
2. Go over vocab and then turn in for points.
3. JC Intro Notes Sheet: Nice easy day. Work together to complete for points.