Objective: The students will finish Night.
1. Roll
2. Night Chapters 7-9 and handout.
3. Finish and type up all 9 Haiku.
4. Outside Book. Due in one week. No late papers will be graded. No 650 points. No excuses.
All Regular and Honors Classes Daily/Period Activity Log
Objective: The students will finish Night.
1. Roll
2. Night Chapters 7-9 and handout.
3. Finish and type up all 9 Haiku.
4. Outside Book. Due in one week. No late papers will be graded. No 650 points. No excuses.
Objective: Finish your outside book.
1. Roll in GC
2. Finish your book and report. The report format is on warrenmlk.com. Use it.
Objective: The students will continue reading of Night.
Outside Book: You now have 12 days. What page are you on in your book? I am on page 121 of mine.
1. WP Number 12
2. Night Chapter 6 Handout and Reading in GC.
3. Outside Reading Requirement!!!
Objective: The students will read and analyze chapter 5 of Night and explain it's prevailing tone.
At home and at school:
1. Roll and WP #11
2. Night Chapter 5 and Handout in GC
3. Outside Book
Objective: The students will complete their Outside Reading requirement.
1. Roll in GC
2. Today is the DAY! Look at your Aeries grade right now... and look at it again when I click "Grading Complete." An email will be sent out today to your parents explaining what I did.
Get on it! It is due May 7. No late papers. You can turn it in early, but I will NOT GRADE ANY PART OF THE POINTS if it is late. And now we are back in school FULL TIME, so it makes it easier!
Objective: The students will read and analyze Chapter 4 of Night.
At Home:
1. Read and complete Chapter 4 assignment in GC. This is due before Wednesday.
2. Outside Book. YOU HAVE 18 days left.
At school:
1. WP Number 11
2. Read and complete Chapter 4 handout
3. Outside Book. YOU HAVE 18 days left!
Objective: The students will read Night Chapter 3
the one that I am close reading!!
At home:
1. Roll
2. Read Chapter 3 of Night and complete the Chapter 3 Handout in GC. This is DUE TODAY by Noon.
At School:
1. Roll
2. Discuss Chapter 2 and Faction: Video:
3. Read Chapter 3 and complete handout.
Objective: The students will work diligently to finish the outside reading requirement. You have ONE WEEK before I click "GRADING COMPLETE" and all heck happens!
WHOEVER "BORROWED" TWO NIGHT BOOKS FROM ME THE LAST TWO DAYS.... I WANT THEM BACK!!!! Especially the one that I am close reading!!!
1. Roll in GC
2. I know GC had issues for some of you onb Chapter 2 Handout, so you have until noon today to get it in.
3. Outside Reading!
Objective: The students will read Chapter 2 of Night and think about the author's possible use of "faction."
At home:
1. Roll out loud.
2. Short Cartoon Video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g6G2y35nUnc&ab_channel=GeethanjaliKids-RhymesandStories
3. Night Chapter 2 reading (five pages) and assignment in GC. Due Wednesday before class.
At school:
1. Roll
2. Short Cartoon Video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g6G2y35nUnc&ab_channel=GeethanjaliKids-RhymesandStories
3. Night Chapter 2 and Handout.
4. Outside Book
Objective: The students will start the reading of Night.
Note: Extra Credit Opportunity: Jacob Merrill's band will be playing at Dorry's on Saturday. Go see him and support his band. 20 points. Take a picture/selfie and show me that you were there for 20 points. Stay safe and social distance, but get out and have fun now that we can. They will be on about 6 pm
At home:
1. Roll
2. WP Number 10
3. Outside Book (Note: This is the last week that I will only assign this. I have to give you other things to do, so I would get the book read and done.)
At School:
1. Roll
2. WP Number 10
3. Reading of Chapter 1 and Handout.
4. Haiku Writing Assignment
Objective: The students will really try to complete the outside book assignment. You have until I am done grading all research papers, and then I will check that little box on Aeries that says GRADING COMPLETE so that your mom and dad go nuts!!! I will be done with all Research Papers after our last football game next Thursday!
Note: Extra
Credit Opportunity: Jacob Merrill's band will be playing at Dorry's on
Saturday. Go see him and support his band. 20 points. Take a
picture/selfie and show me that you were there for 20 points. Stay safe
and social distance, but get out and have fun now that we can. They will be on about 6:30 pm.
1. Roll in GC
2. Outside Book. All parts due on May 7Objective: The students will start the reading of Night.
At home:
1. Roll
2. WP Number 9
3. Outside Book (Note: This is the last week that I will only assign this. I have to give you other things to do, so I would get the book read and done.)
At School:
1. Roll
2. WP Number 9
3. Reading of Chapter 1 and Handout.
4. Haiku Writing Assignment
Objective: The kids at home will read outside books and the kids in class will be introduced to the last novel of the year.
Make sure you bring Night with you to class each day!
1. Roll (out loud. I am tired of GC)
2. At home: Independent Reading (Book Due May 7... that's about one month!!)
3. In class: Elie's Weisel interview with Oprah video and handout.