Thursday, January 28, 2021

Day 65

Objective:  The student will write the most important part of the research paper:  The 2020 Current Information Section where you prove your thesis.

Roll in GC.

1.  Part 3 discussion and sample.

2.  Write Part 3.  This is the most important section.  This is where you prove your thesis, or you don't.  If you don't, your paper will fail in its purpose.

3.  I will be looking at each student's Part 2.  I will be checking that 1) your editor told you of any errors and 2) that you did it right.  Be prepared...  I may bet a little "vocal" in my concerns.

Part 3 is due NEXT CLASS for 50 points of No Points. 

Side Note:

"Hey current Sophomores!

In case you didn't know already, I'm running to be your Junior Class President! A little bit about me: I'm your current Sophomore Vice President, I've been involved with UNICEF and Reach out Club, I'm a lead varsity attorney for King Mock Trial, I currently work for an attorney as "a paralegal without the college degree," am in the process of starting a small business, and am a published author in a national law review! Essentially, I do a lot, and all that I do has shaped me to be a successful president for our class.

As the current Sophomore Vice President, I have worked hand in hand with our current president in handling, managing, and approving money. A huge part of leading our class office is not only to plan events, but to initiate them. I have that experience. Everything you've seen in the past year that has been sophomore specific has been a direct byproduct of my work along with the rest of the 2023 office. As someone who strives to be a leader on and off campus, I have the experience running our class office that is necessary to be a successful and efficient president. Vote for me as your next Junior Class President!!

Voting is taking place now at!"

If you could let me know, I would appreciate it SO MUCH!!

Thank you,
Chloe Christensen
Side Note 2:
Hey Wolves! For those of you who don't already know, I am your current ASB Executive Treasurer and I'm running to be your Jr. Class President next year!

As part of the ASB Executive Office, I have been blessed with the opportunity to serve the school on a grand scale.  In addition to managing all of the school's funds, I have also been tasked with the responsibility of working with other schools within our district to plan and manage future multi-school events.

My heart is to serve and, after the kind of year we've all had, I would love to use my networking ability, interpersonal skills, teamwork mentality, and financial experience toward the role of Jr. Class President.  One of the primary responsibilities of Jr. Class President is to plan Prom and I am confident that my hands-on experience on the Executive Team makes me the most qualified person for the position. 

Voting takes place at and opens up Friday at midnight (technically Saturday HAHA) and closes Monday in 3rd period.  

So put your prom plans in capable hands and vote ALYSSA BURTON for Jr. Class President! 

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Day 64

 Objective:  The students will share Part 2 and edit.

1.  Roll in GC

2.  Share Part 2 with your partner.  Edit like I would.  Don't be nice, but be truthful.

Editing Checklist:

1.     Did they cite a source in a sentence?

2.     Does each paragraph have a citation?

3.     Did they use a parenthetical citation (it must have at least one).

4.   Is there any OBVIOUS sentence that stands out that needs to be in quotes?  Ex:  Drake penned his first single at the age of 21.

5.   Are the quotes and citations punctuates correctly?


7.    Make sure you keep all edited parts of the paper in case I need to see them.

Monday, January 25, 2021

Day 63

Objective:  The students will see an example of how Part 2 should be written, then they will write their own.


Here is the recording of today's lesson.  If you missed class, you are responsible for knowing this info!!

1.  Writing Notes for Part 2 (Copy the notes that I tell you to.  Use these notes when you write!)

2.  Look at sample Part 2 for Ice Bucket Challenge:

3.  Write your Part 2 (Due by start of next class).  It should be about 1 page of info with proper citations and integrated quotes. 

Thursday, January 21, 2021

Day 62

Objective:  The students will use this period (and whatever else time they need) to research their paper in order to start writing Part 2 and 3 on Monday.

 1.  Roll in GC

2.  Research your topic.  Find info for past and 2020.

1)  Use the internet to find sources for your info.  Remember you need facts about your subject for the Background/History Section as well as the 2020 Section.

2)  I will help find things for you too.  Just let me know what your topic is.  

3)  When you find good info, either print the article OR open a new doc and copy and paste the good info onto the doc.  Make sure you also copy the URL so that you can use that info for the works cited page. 

Example:  Dr. Fauci

Source:  National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases

Title:   "Anthony S. Fauci, MD., NIAID Director"


Date:  January 19, 2121

Dr. Fauci was appointed Director of NIAID in 1984. He oversees an extensive research portfolio of basic and applied research to prevent, diagnose, and treat established infectious diseases such as HIV/AIDS, respiratory infections, diarrheal diseases, tuberculosis and malaria as well as emerging diseases such as Ebola and Zika. NIAID also supports research on transplantation and immune-related illnesses, including autoimmune disorders, asthma and allergies. The NIAID budget for fiscal year 2020 is an estimated $5.9 billion.

Dr. Fauci has advised six Presidents on HIV/AIDS and many other domestic and global health issues. He was one of the principal architects of the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), a program that has saved millions of lives throughout the developing world.


Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Day 61

Objective:  The students will Peer Edit another student's Anecdotal Intro.



1.  Share your intro with the student that you are assigned to edit.

2.  Edit paper.  Do NOT be a "friend" and do not be lazy.  Help them out.  Point out TRUTHFULLY if it is not good.  Mark all of their errors with a highlighter.  At the bottom of the paper, make suggestions as to how they can make it better.

a) Make sure header and heading are correct.  

b)  Make sure spacing is correct (especially between the title and the start of the paper, and in between paragraphs.

c)  If it is too short.  It's not good.

d)  If it is one long paragraph, it is not good!

e)  If it doesn't have a thesis at the end, it is wrong.  Make sure the thesis is CAPS for the Person of the Year (or Event of the Year, or Whatever of the Year).

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Day 60

Objective:  The students will begin their research into their subject.


Hello 2nd and 4th Periods.

Since I don't want to get ahead of Periods 1 and 5, today we will not peer edit the intro.  I will give 50 points today for you having in in, but we will have partners tomorrow and you will edit papers then.

1.  Use the internet to find sources for your info.  Remember you need facts about your subject for the Background/History Section as well as the 2020 Section.

2.  I will help find things for you too.  Just let me know what your topic is.  

3.  When you find good info, either print the article OR open a new doc and copy and paste the good info onto the doc.  Make sure you also copy the URL so that you can use that info for the works cited page. 

Example:  Dr. Fauci

Source:  National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases

Title:   "Anthony S. Fauci, MD., NIAID Director"


Date:  January 19, 2121

Dr. Fauci was appointed Director of NIAID in 1984. He oversees an extensive research portfolio of basic and applied research to prevent, diagnose, and treat established infectious diseases such as HIV/AIDS, respiratory infections, diarrheal diseases, tuberculosis and malaria as well as emerging diseases such as Ebola and Zika. NIAID also supports research on transplantation and immune-related illnesses, including autoimmune disorders, asthma and allergies. The NIAID budget for fiscal year 2020 is an estimated $5.9 billion.

Dr. Fauci has advised six Presidents on HIV/AIDS and many other domestic and global health issues. He was one of the principal architects of the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), a program that has saved millions of lives throughout the developing world.

Thursday, January 14, 2021

Day 59

Objective:  The students will see a new way to write an intro to an essay or research paper.  Then they will write their own for their research paper.

Here is the recording of the class if you were absent.  You need to watch it if you were absent and do the assignment so that you do not fall behind.

1.  Roll in GC

2.  Research Paper Page Set Up.

a)  Open a new doc.

b)  Name it 2020 Research Paper

c)  Set up Heading and Header.  IMPORTANT:  Make sure the heading is NOT in the header.  It should only show up on the first page.

d)  Set up Double Spacing.

e)  Center a title on the first line.  It should be 2020 Peron of the Year (or People, or Event, or Application, etc)

3.  Discuss the sample:

4.  Write your own.  Due at the END of Independent Time TODAY.  50 points or no points.

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Day 58


Objective:  The students will discuss their CHOSEN outside reading book and POTENTIAL subject for the Research Paper.

1.  Roll in GC

2.  Discuss book and research topic.

Begin Research:  You will need THREE RELIABLE sources.

You will need info for:

1)  History/Background Section of Paper

2)  2020 Info that section of the paper.

I would find good source.  Copy and paste all important info into a Google Doc.  Then print it.  I would read it and highlight for easy use by using a color code system:  See above.

Monday, January 11, 2021

Day 57

 Objective:  The students will discuss the requirements for the research paper.

 Roll in GC please.

1.  Period 1 and 5:  Let's fix the last assignment that I screwed up...

2.  Research paper discussion.  I placed the prompt in your GC.

3.  By Wednesday:  I need for you to have a Topic for your research paper.

Possible searches: 

Person of the Year

Event of the Year

2020 Timeline of Events

Athlete of the Year

And so on

Thursday, January 07, 2021

Day 56

 Objective:  The students will read analyze a nonfiction piece.

1.  Roll Quiz in GC

2.  WP #1 (New Packet)

3.  Man in the Water assignment.  Read and complete the questions and writing.

Wednesday, January 06, 2021

Day 55

Objective:  The students will watch two introductory videos for use in discussion and writing.

Roll.  I will do it myself, while you work.  You must stay on the Meet the entire 20 minutes.

1.  Go to GC and complete the entire "Man in the Water" assignment.  Follow all directions exactly.  This is due at the start of the next class.

Outside Book is due IN YOUR HANDS by Next Wednesday.

Monday, January 04, 2021

Day 54

 Objective:  The students will know important vocabulary for this research paper unit.

1.  Roll out loud.  I can't figure out how to set up GC again!

2.  Man in the Water Vocabulary:  Open and make a copy of it.  I will figure out how to link it once I get GC fixed.  This is due next class.

3.  Have you picked your next outside reading book.  Same rules apply!  Not sure when it will be due yet.  Probably at end of THIRD QUARTER!!!!