Objective: The students will know info about novel reading in class as well as the outside reading requirement.
Roll Quiz in G Class
1. WP Number 5 Long Way Home
2. Class Expectations: Outside Reading Requirement: This is Due the 2nd to last week of the semester. Not sure what day yet!
3. Outside Book Honors List: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1u7qglI4jZekLoywXsPGlgs6u_jDA-yEMl48WxRua1Yo/edit?usp=sharing
4. Lord of the Flies discussion: Must have the book by next week. If you want 100 Extra Credit points you can get the book and Close Read it. Must be highlighted and annotated. No Sticky Notes accepted for points. Here is a link on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Lord-Flies-William-Golding/dp/0399501487/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2FPZBYFKIYDYM&dchild=1&keywords=lord+of+the+flies+paperback+book&qid=1598883151&sprefix=lord+of+the+flies%2Caps%2C205&sr=8-1
5. Copy the rest of Chapter 1 Notes on sequence:
Sequence: The order in which all of the events take place.
Chronological Order: Most stories are told in chronological order which is in “time order.”
Flashback: A scene that interrupts the story to introduce an event from the past. The flashback should help build upon the plot.
Flash-forward: A scene that jumps ahead in time to narrate an event that happens (or could happen) in the future.
Foreshadowing: Hints or clues in the story that something will happen later in the plot.
6. Assync Time. Read (Close Read if possible to print): "Long Way Home"
7. Assync Time: Look over the Honors Book List. Look for that titles that may interest you. Then look on Amazon and look at page numbers, price, and read the summary of it to be sure that it is something that you want to invest time and your parents' money to read.