Friday, January 29, 2016

Nothing Man

Objective:  The students will analyze a a great poem.

Put your phones away.  For today's activity, if I see any phone out, your group receives a ZERO on the assignment.

1.  Get your folders and put the completed Man in the Water activity on your desk.

2.  Discuss the overall meaning of the piece as intended by the author.

3.  Nothing Man activity.  In groups.

Homework:  Pick a person or group or event that you will research and write about for this year's 2015 Person/Group/Event of the Year.  KNOW WHO or WHAT by Monday!

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

What is a HERO?

Objective:  The students will read about a great example of a hero?

1.  Get folder.  Get new handout from front desk.

2.  Put yesterday's assignment on your desk for me to grade.

3.  WP #1:  What is a hero?  Define it in your own words.  Then list 5 people that you would consider to be heroes.  Lastly, tell who was named Time Magazine's Person of the Year for 2015 and for 2014 (Your homework).

4.  "Man in the Water" essay.  Listen.

5.  Close Read (Identify main "actors" in the piece.  Key setting.  Tone.  Gist or claim of each paragraph.  Then identify the main theme (main argument)  of the piece (what type of piece is it anyway?).

Main Argument:

Claim 1.
Claim 2
Claim 3
Claim 4 

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Good Morning (Afternoon Period 5)

Objective:  The students will learn some information about an example of an event that could be classifies as heroic.

Get folders.  Correct Vocab.

1.  Close Read article.  Write a great one paragraph summary of it, following all writing rules taught the first semester, and include at least one quote (used properly).
2.  Videos
3.  Go online and look at this year's winner of Man of the Year 2015.

If you are absent.  Go to, click The Research Paper Unit link and watch the two videos.

Monday, January 25, 2016

A Fresh Start

Objective:  The students will know important vocabulary for The Research Paper unit.

Sit anywhere for the rest of the week.  We will work on a seating chart once all the classes are settled with new students (I hear that people are begging to get into my class!)

1.  Get folders and the two handouts.

2.  Clean out folders.  You can toss everything and start fresh.  You can save notes and handouts (like the Book Report Format and the Honors Book List) if you like.

3.  Vocabulary Assignment.  Complete all parts.  Due first thing tomorrow.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

And.... We're Done! (Well with the first semester at least!)

Objective:  The students will show that they have learned more than any other sophomore students in the district by getting the best scores on this final in the entire district!

1.  Get on Aeries.  Check out your grade.   If there are any errors, we have to fix them NOW!  This is your  2nd quarter grade!

2.  Get the Final Answer Document.


4.  Take test.  It's tricky.  7 Questions need 2 correct answers to be correct!  Question 7 needs 3 answers to be correct!

5.  When you are done, scan your test, write your grade on it, then bring it to me with your cheat sheet.

Friday, January 15, 2016

Book Report Day

Objective:  The students will show that they have read their book and know its important elements.

1.  Get your book and your book report ready.
2.  When you are called, bring up both for your oral question.
3.  On the front desk, there is a Cheat Sheet for your final.  You can do anything that you want with it.  You can toss it.  You can write info on it.  You can even use it on your final.

Final:  How it works:  You will know your 2nd quarter grade on the day of the final.  Your Semester grade will be affected in the following way:

A on Final:  Grade up 3%
B on Final:  Grade up 1%
C on Final:  Grade stays what it is
D on Final:  Grade drops 1%
F on Final:  Grade drops 3%

Thursday, January 14, 2016

One MOre Day!!

Objective:  The students will complete book reports.

1.  Turn in completed satire.
2.  Finish Book Reports or Close Reading.

Remember.  No late papers.  Let's try to have all of them turned in on time, EDITED, well written and everyone KNOW their book.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

For all of you people still rushing to finish your book and your report...You know what my satirical invention would be??? Time Management!

Objective:  The students will use this final day to complete their satire and their outside reading report.

1.  Get at it!

2.  If you have a report you want me to read before it is due... Today is the last day.

Book Reports Due on Friday!!  NO LATE PAPERS!!!  E MAIL them if absent.  650 points!!!  That's a lot!!

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Book Report.... You now have 2 days to finish..... Let's make Friday a good day!!!

Objective:  The students will complete their own original satire ad or work on their book requirement.

1.  Today is your day.  You have two things that you can be working on.  Get at it.

2.  If you have your book report, let me see it and I will pre-grade it.

3.  Put together your satire packet (4 things) and it will be turned in first thing tomorrow.

Book Reports due Friday.  No Late Papers.  Even if you're absent.  E mail it if you have to.  But remember, you will not get credit for the Close Reading of the book if I don't see it on Friday or before. 

Monday, January 11, 2016

Do Your Parents Now Know about the Book Report and How Important that it is? Due in 4 days. No late papers. E MAIL it to me if you are absent.

Objective:  The students will read another short example of satire and analyze its satirical elements.

1.  Get folders and today's handout.
2.  WP 32
3.  Close Read the satire
4.  Complete the analysis with a partner.


Friday, January 08, 2016

Book Reports.... Are you tired of me reminding you? January 15. One week. NO LATE PAPERS!! EVEN IF YOU ARE ABSENT!!

Objective:  The students will discuss yesterday's satire analysis and see a possible new form of satire that people are seeing in today;s society.

1.  Get folders and today's handout.
2.  Read your outside book for 5 minutes.  I want to see progress from yesterday!
3.  Correct Vocab.
4.  Discuss satirical songs analysis
5.  Op Ed Reading and "Satire" video.

HOMEWOK:  Outside Book

Thursday, January 07, 2016

Book Reports.... (Theme Song From Jaws)... Due in 8 Days! NO LATE PAPERS!!

Objective:  The students will look at and listen to two satires.  They will analyze them for elements of satire.

1.  Get folders and today's handout.  Put your Outside Book on your desk.  I want to see where you are in the book... and it best not be the beginning.
2.  Get into groups of 3 to 4.
3.  Look at the questions for today's assignment. 
4.  Listen to the two satires.
5.  Complete the questions (one paper each) IN COMPLETE SENTENCES!

6.  Finish vocabulary to grade the last few minutes of class.

Wednesday, January 06, 2016

Nine Days Until Book Report

Objective:  The students will discuss satires and their inntended purpose.

1.  WP
2.  Notes
3.  Discuss the two sample satires.
4.  Complete Vocab.

Work on Book Report  (Remember NO LATE PAPERS!)

Tuesday, January 05, 2016

Book Report (650 POINTS) is DUE January 15. NO LATE PAPERS WILL BE GRADED.

Objective:  The students will know what is needed to pass the Outside Reading portion of this class.

1.  Get out your Book Report Format.

2.  Discuss requirements and WRITE DOWN all necessary information.

3.  Satire Vocabulary

Use any time left over to work on your outside reading assignment.  Remember, I am not kidding about no accepting late papers.  And I ask VERY specific oral questions.  SPARK NOTES WILL NOT HELP YOU!

Monday, January 04, 2016

I Missed You All!! Hope you're refreshed to finish this thing strongly.

Objective:  The students will close read two sample satires to start our mini-unit.

1.  Get folders.  Get the two sheets of newspaper satires.  AND find your group's CD project.

2.  Close read the satires.  You are looking to identify the subject of the satire, what human behavior is discussed, examples of humor or exaggeration, and the change that the author would like to see made.  Finally, identify the main "argument" presented by each writer.

3.  Your District Writing Final is graded and will be handed back.

4.  I will call out names to get the score of your CD, so make sure you know what you got.

BOOK REPORT!!!  Will be discussed at length tomorrow, so go on and download the sample and print it out to use tomorrow.