Friday, October 31, 2014

I will not be negative.... I will not be negative...

Kinda bummed right now. Last night I sat down and planned a cool fun activity for my students. Bought a video. Made something fun, but educational for Halloween.
Then, after having a sub yesterday (I was at a meeting) I return to the grossest, messiest room in my career. Empty water bottles, trash, two fruit chews dropped and smashed on the floor. And worst of all, TWO pieces of chewed gum that were just spit out and left under desks. How can any person think this is OK?
I always hate when a group of people are punished due to the actions of a few. Or how a group is lumped into a negative statement like "Kids today just don't care...."
So I will refrain from punishing the whole class.
But I am really disappointed .

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Discuss the Great Secret!

Objective: Students will use their close reading of "The Great Secret" to address the beginnings of an essay writing prompt

1. Grab your folders and a copy of "Still I Rise"
2. Theme/Figurative Language Notes
3. "The Great Secret" essay prompt- 2 paragraphs
4. "Still I Rise" close reading assignment

Homework: Finish "Still I Rise" close reading and theme questions.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

"The Great Secret"

Objective:  The students will complete a mid-term review of the important elements of literature that we have discussed by completing a short story reading and outline.

1.  WP #20
2.  Turn in WP Packet 11-20
3.  "The Great Secret" Close Reading and Outline.  On this outline, you can be "succinct" (This week's Wolf Academic Vocabulary Word).  I don't expect full blown paragraphs, but succinct notes that you could use to write a great paragraph or essay.
4.  Stump the Teacher Chapters 55-56

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Monte Cristo: 2 Weeks until Done. Projects are due 3 days afterward.

Objective:  The students will discuss "The Secret Lion" and the author's creative and original use of voice and diction.

1.  WP # ______
2.  Discuss and Turn in "The Secret Lion"  PUT ALL PENS DOWN.
3.  Monte Cristo Project Work
4.  Monte Cristo Stump the Teacher Chapters 53-54 (if you are smart and want to keep to schedule!)

Monday, October 27, 2014

Learn how to "Stump the Teacher"

Objective: Students will be introduced to their upcoming assignment and work on completing their "The Secret Lion" assignment

1. Grab your folders
2. Turn in MC Study Guide 41-50
3. MC Quiz 48-50
4. Monte Cristo 51-60- "Stump the Teacher"

5. "Stump the Teacher"- You will write 2 questions (with their answers) from each of the chapters 51-60 for a total of 20 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS. You want to make them as hard as possible. If you pass the quiz next Monday you will participate in "Stump the Teacher" to have the chance for extra credit. IF YOU DO NOT PASS THE QUIZ, YOU MAY NOT TURN IN YOUR QUESTIONS OR PARTICIPATE. Instead, you will complete a study guide during the class period.

6. Finish "The Secret Lion" activity

Friday, October 24, 2014

Essay Day!

Objective: Students will demonstrate their ability to write an expository essay in the First Quarter District Assessment.

1. Pull out 3 Pieces of blank paper and your Essay prompt

** Only write on one side of the paper**
**Use only blue or black ink**

Homework: Read Ch. 50 and questions

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Essay Planning

Objective: Students will read and analyze the District Quarter Assessment Prompt and the Articles to be used on the essay.

Grab an Essay Packet from the Front

1. Prompt Breakdown
2. Article #1
3. Article #2

Homework: MC Ch. 49 

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

What is the Secret Lion?

Objective: Students will further investigate the literary devices and nuances of "The Secret Lion"

Get your folders

**Per. 3 Survey- Remind Me**
1. Monte Cristo  Quiz 46-47
2. Monte Cristo Discussion
3. Finish "The Secret Lion" close reading
4. "The Secret Lion" writing activity

Homework: Tonight: Read Monte Cristo Ch. 48
Tomorrow: Monte Cristo Ch. 49.
Friday: Monte Cristo Ch. 50
Study Guides due Monday!!!

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

"The Secret Lion"

Objective: Students will read the short story "The Secret Lion" and analyze it for examples of Point of View and Voice/Diction.

Get your folders and both sheets of "The Secret Lion"

1. WP #__
2. Correct Vocab
3. Notes: Voice and Diction
4. Active Reading: "The Secret Lion"

Homework: Monte Cristo Ch. 47

Monday, October 20, 2014

I hope you all had a GREAT weekend!

Objective:  The students will know how author's use voice and diction to create different point of views.

1.  Get lit books and folders.
2.  WP Number ______
3.  Monte Cristo Quiz Chapter 45
4.  Point of View/Narrator Notes
5.  "Point of View" assignment.
6.  Monte Cristo Chapter 46

Secret Lion vocab due tomorrow at beginning of class.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Let's see what we did right, and what we need to improve on for the next District Assessment.

Objective:  The students will understand why the passedd, or why they may have fallen short on district writing test.

1.  Discuss Chapters 43-44.  I hope we all read!  Period THREE!!! and FOUR!!!!
2.  District Writing Prompt (Do what you would do if we were taking the test again today)
3.  SOAPStone for the prompt.
4.  Go over prompt and what it SHOULD LOOK LIKE!
5.  Go over SOAPStone.

So what is the paper looking for in order to pass with a 4 or higher?  What should you have done?

6.  Look at your papers.  Figure out why you got the score you did.

Homework:  Chapter 45....  A GREAT CHAPTER!!!!!!!  The Summer Ball

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

We have some work to do on Argumentative Essays!

Objective:  The students will discuss the important new characters in Monte Cristo and think about their projects.
1.  Characterization:  You are going to Pre-Grade it for me.  Take out a highlighter, and highlight and label the three parts:  TWA of Character, TWA of Other, and Physical Description. 

2.  Discuss the new characters in the book:  Nortier, Valentine, Major Cavalcanti and Young Cavalcanti.  Also discuss the beginning of Danglars' Destruction.

3.  Project work.

4.  Chapters 43 and 44

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Shift Focus: Point of View

Objective: Students will become familiar with unknown vocabulary from their next set of short stories.

Get your Lit Book and Folders

1. Turn in Monte Cristo Study Guide 31-40. Pick up new one
2. WP #16
3. Vocabulary "Secret Lion"
4. Start tonight's reading

Homework: Read MC 41-42. Characterization assignment due tomorrow. TYPED MLA FORMAT

Monday, October 13, 2014

Be Creative, Be Be Creative

Objective: Students will continue their practice on dialogue by writing a creative writing piece.

Get folders

1. WP
2. Work on/Finish Creative Writing Characterization

Homework: MC Chapters 39-40

Friday, October 10, 2014

UCLA vs THE DUCKS tomorrow!!!

Objective:  The students will create a GREAT character using indirect characterization.

1.  Folders
2.  WP Test #1
3.  Discuss Chapters 33,34,35,36,37 and 38.  Quickly, but thoroughly.  I know it's getting complicated!!
4.  Discuss Two Kinds questions and symbolism.
5.  Character Sketch (our next piece of writing)  ONE DRAFT ONLY!!!!!

Thursday, October 09, 2014

"Two Kinds" of what?

Objective: Students will finish reading "Two Kinds" and begin analyzing the story's characterization.

Get your lit books and folders

1. Exchange and Correct Vocabulary
2. WP
3. Finish Reading "Two Kinds"
4. "Two Kinds" Comprehension Questions

Homework: Read MC Ch. 37-38

Wednesday, October 08, 2014

Short Day... More Meetings!

Objective:  The students will begin reading this week's story titled "Two Kinds."

Please get your lit book and folders.

1.  Quick Found Quote Quiz:  Chapters 33-34.
2.  WP
3.  Go over vocab word meanings for story.
4.  Read first part of "Two Kinds" which is a short anecdote from the novel called The Joy Luck Club
Page 99.
5.  Read Chapters 35-36 (15 pages)

Tuesday, October 07, 2014

Projects? What Projects? We have Projects?

1.  Get folders.
2.  Monte Cristo Chapter Discussion (Those were some GREAT chapters as far as literature!)
3.  MC Song Quiz
4.  Project Discussion
          1) Use an old CD case for package.
          2)  Be sure songs are burned in order chronologically as well as how they are presented in the information booklet.
          3)  Make sure songs actually play.
5.  MC Chapters 33-34.

Monday, October 06, 2014

I hope you all had a nice weekend.

Objective:  The students will complete a vocabulary activity for this week's featured story.

1.  Get lit books and folders.
2.  Get all three handouts.
3.  Turn in Every Day Use Characterization Chart and MC Study Guide 21-30.
4.  Get Vocabulary Words.
5.  Work on Vocab or Finish Poster from Friday.

Homework:  MC Chapters 31-32

Friday, October 03, 2014

Please don't mention the game last night.... unless you want to see a grown man cry....

Objective:  The students will use word connotations to create a found poem.

1.  Get folders
2.  Discuss Connotation
3.  Video
4.  Handout Discussion
5.  Complete 100 point activity.

Homework:  No reading.  If you haven't finished Study Guide....  do it.

Thursday, October 02, 2014

Finish the Last Study Guide Questions

Objective:  The students will complete analyzing the characterization and local setting used in "Everyday Use."

Get lit books and folder

1.  Correct Vocabulary
2.  Quiz
3.  WP
4.  Complete Assignment Handout.
5.  Read Monte Cristo Chapters 30

Wednesday, October 01, 2014

"Everyday Use" Practice

Objective: Students will apply their knowledge of Characterization to describe the characters in the short story "Everyday Use"

1. Get folders/lit books
2. Finish individually reading "Everyday Use", where ever we left off
3. Fill out the "Everyday Use" character chart and "Setting/Local Color Review"
4. Finish Vocab activities for "Everyday Use"

Homework: Read MC Chapter 29 & Vocab Sheets due tomorrow