Friday, February 29, 2008

Objective: Students will read and discuss Act II:2-4 of Julius Caesar and complete a review assignment.

1. CST Practice Vocabulary Lesson 12-13
2. Act II 2-4 Notes
3. Read
4. Act II Review

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Objective: Students will read and discuss Act II:1 of Caesar.

1. CAT6 #7
2. Act II:1 Notes
3. Read the LONG Scene.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Objective: Students will be able to translate a soliloquy into normal language.
1. CAT6 #6

2. Go over Sonnet assignment requirements.
b) 14 lines (3 quatrains, one couplet)
c) Rhyme scheme (aa,bb or ab,ab)
d)Must have assonance, alliteration and personification)
3. Act I Translation
4. Act II Vocabulary

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Objective: Students will see Act I on video, complete the review and translate Soliloquy #1.

1. CAT6 #4
2. Act I Video
3. Complete Review
4. Act I soliloquy translation
5. HOMEWORK: HOW"S THAT OUTSIDE BOOK? I have only approved about 20!!!!!!!! Don't read a book that is NOT APPROVED!!

Monday, February 25, 2008

Objective: Students will read, dscuss and understand Act I of Julius Caesar and then complete a review handout.

1. Act I: 2-3 Notes
2. Read Act 1: 2-3
3. Act I Review

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Objective: Students will read Julius Caesar Act I:1-2

1. CAT6 #3
2. Notes: Prose, Verse, Anachronism
3. Read Act I:1
4. Act I:2 Notes
5. Read Act I:2 if time.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Objective: Students will know background behind the story of Julius Caesar's assasination.

1. CAT6 #2
2. Correct and collect Act I Vocabulary
3. Julius Caesar Timeline
4. Presentation Notes (ike you could do for 100 points of EXTRA CREDIT with Power Point)
5. Act I Notes
6. Read Act I Scene 1
7. Homework: Read that Outside Book

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Objective: Students will know important author and play information before reading Julius Caesar.

1. CAT6 #1 "Who Wrote Shakespeare?"
2. Go over Shakespeare handout and turn in for points.
3. Complete "Who Wrote Shakespeare?" Interactive Reader for points
4. Act I Vocabulary
5. Extra Credit Power Points opportunity

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Objective: Students will complete reading of who wrote Shakespeare's plays.

1. Turn in Research Paper.
2. CST Sentence Structure Lesson 7-8
3. Turn in CST Packet list on back board.
4. Complete Shakespeare note handout.
5. Interactive Reader "Who Wrote Shakespeare?"

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Objective: Students will Peer Edit the entire Research Paper and see examples of closing paragraphs and Works Cited pages.

1. Correct Vocabulary and turn in for points.
2. Share on overhead the Close and Works Cited page.
3. Peer Edit
4. Julius Caesar intro notes sheet.
5. Final Draft due tomorrow.
Objective: Students will Peer Edit the entire Research Paper and see examples of closing paragraphs and Works Cited pages.

1. Correct Vocabulary and turn in for points.
2. Share on overhead the Close and Works Cited page.
3. Peer Edit
4. Julius Caesar intro notes sheet.
5. Final Draft due tomorrow.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Objective: Students will know how to write their closing for their research paper and know the proper format for the Works Cited page.

1. CST Practice: Capitalization 18-19
2. Vocabulary Etymology
3. Research paper: Closing and Works Cited
4. Complete vocab assignment
5. Write closing and Works Cited Page: Due Tomorrow.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Objective: Students will peer edit Part 3 of the research paper.

1. CST Practice Capitalization 16-17
2. Research Paper Part 3 check/share/edit
3. Julius Caesar Drama Vocabulary

Friday, February 08, 2008

Objective: Students will compose the third part of their research paper.

1. Use school laptops to write current information on your Person of the Year.
2. Save to Weblockers.
3. DO NOT SCREW AROUND with the computers. If you do, YOU FAIL this assignment.

Thursday, February 07, 2008

Objective: Students will peer edit Parts 1 and 2 of research paper and begin Part 3 (the 2007 info).

1. 100 points check of parts 1 and 2
2. Late Pass distribution
3. Share 2 - 3 student papers on Weblockers.
4. Peer Edit
5. Write Part 3 (due Monday)6. Bring all materials to WORK on essay in class tomorrow.

Monday, February 04, 2008

Objective: Students will begin writing the history/background information of their research paper.

1. Share anecdotal intros.

2. Peer Edit Anecdotal Intros

3. Quotation Discussion and Parenthetical Citations Handouts.

Friday, February 01, 2008

Objective: Write your introduction for your research paper.

1. CHSEE Sentence Structure #2 and 6
2. Anecdotal Inro