Friday, March 30, 2007

Objective: Students will read/discuss Act III and IV of Julius Caesar.

Date: March 30, 2007

Period 3

1. CAT6 #14
2. Act III:2-3 Notes
3. Read Act III:3
4. Presentations
5. ACT III Review
6. Grade Sheets

Periods 1 and 4
7. Act III Review
8. Presentations
9. Grade Sheets

Today’s Presentations:
· Roman View of Suicide
· Tragedy/ Tragic Hero
· Roman Clothing
· The Roman Forum
· Role of Women in Rome
· The Roman Senate

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Objective: Students will review Act II of Julius Caesar.

Date: March 21, 2007

Periods 1 and 4

1. Act II Video and Story Board

Period 3

1. Act II:3-4 Notes
2. Presentations (Year of Confusion, Slavery in Rome, Marcus Cato)
3. Act II:3-4 Reading
4. Act II Translation complete and turn in
5. Act II Review
6. Act II video and Storyboard

Book Report due in 2 days. NO LATE PAPERS WILL BE TAKEN! Early is good. Late is a ZERO/400 points!

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Objective: Students will review Act II of Julius Caesar.

Date: March 21, 2007

Periods 1-5

1. Act II:3-4 Notes
2. Presentations (Year of Confusion, Slavery in Rome, Marcus Cato)
3. Act II:3-4 Reading
4. Act II Translation complete and turn in
5. Act II Review
6. Act II video and Storyboard

Book Report due in 3 days. NO LATE PAPERS WILL BE TAKEN! Early is good. Late is a ZERO/400 points!

Monday, March 19, 2007

Objective: Students will read and discuss Act II of Julius Caesar.

Date: March 20, 2007

Periods 1 and 4
1. Act II:2,3 and 4
2. Act II:2,3 and 4 Reading
3. Act II Translation

Book Report due in 4 days. NO LATE PAPERS WILL BE TAKEN! Early is good. Late is a ZERO/400 points!

Friday, March 16, 2007

Objective: Students will read and discuss Act II of Julius Caesar.

Date: Day after the Ides of March, 2007

Periods 1 and 4
1. Act II:1 Notes continued
2. Presentations (Astrology, Augury)
3. Finish Act II:1 Reading
4. Video Act I

Period 3
1. CAT6 #11
2. Presentations: Augury, Astrology
3. Act II:1 Notes
4. Read Act II:1
5. Video Act I
6. Book Report due in 7 days

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

1. Act I:3 Notes
2. Act I:3 Reading
3. Act I Review and Story Board
4. Discuss 200 point extra credit

Monday, March 12, 2007

Objective: Students will review Act I of Julius Caesar.

Date: March 12, 2007

Periods 1, 2 and 3
Get folders

1. Act I:3 Notes
2. Act I:3 Reading
3. Act I Review and Story Board
4. Discuss 200 point extra credit

Period 4 and 5
1. Act II Vocabulary
2. Please be good for the sub! If your name is left, you lose 100 points.

Friday, March 09, 2007

Objective: Students will read aloud and discuss Act I of Julius Caesar.

Date: March 9, 2007

Periods 1 and 4: Get folders

1. Act I:2 Notes
2. Act I:2 Reading
3. Act I TRanslation

Period 2 and 5

1. CAT6 #10
2. Turn in CAT6 1-10 for points
3. Julius Caesar project presentations.
· Festival of Lupercal
· Julius Caesar
· Marcus Brutus
· Cassius
· Tiber River
· Soothsayer
4. Act I:2 Notes
5. Act I:2 Reading
6. Act I Translation

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Objective: Students will read aloud and discuss Act I of Julius Caesar.

Date: March 8, 2007

Periods 1 and 4: Get folders

1. CAT6 #10
2. Staple CAT6 1-10 and turn in for points
3. Presentations
· Tiber River
· Soothsayer
4. Act I:2 Notes
5. Act I:2 Reading

Period 3

1. CAT6 #10
2. Turn in CAT6 1-10 for points
3. Julius Caesar project presentations.
· Festival of Lupercal
· Julius Caesar
· Marcus Brutus
· Cassius
· Tiber River
· Soothsayer
4. Act I:2 Notes
5. Act I:2 Reading
6. Act I Translation

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Objective: Students will read aloud and discuss Act I of Julius Caesar.

Date: March 7, 2007

Periods 1 and 4: Get folders

1. Presentations
· Festival of Lupercal
· Julius Caesar
· Marcus Brutus
· Cassius
2. Act I:1-2 Notes
3. Act I:1-2 Reading

Period 3

1. CAT6 #9
2. Act I Vocabulary (Etymology discussion)
3. Julius Caesar project presentations.
· Plutarch
· The Globe
· Actors
· Stage
· Audiences
· Renaissance
· Tarquin
· First Triumvirate
· Pompey
· Veni, Vedi, Vici
4. Act I Notes
5. Act I:1 Reading

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Objective: Students will know important aspects of Caesar’s life before reading the play.

Date: March 6, 2007

Periods 1 and 4

1. CAT6 #9
2. Act I Vocabulary (Etymology discussion)
3. Julius Caesar project presentations.
· Plutarch
· The Globe
· Actors
· Stage
· Audiences
· Renaissance
· Tarquin
· First Triumvirate
· Pompey
· Veni, Vedi, Vici

Periods 2 and 5
1. All the above
2. Act I.1 Notes
3. Read Act 1.1

Monday, March 05, 2007

Objective: Students will begin research on mini-research for Julius Caesar.

Date: March 5, 2007

All Periods:

1. CAT6 #8
2. Julius Caesar Timeline
3. Act I Vocabulary
4. Julius Caesar projects starting to present Tuesday.
5. Outside Reading Book Due 20 days!!!!!!

Friday, March 02, 2007

Objective: Students will begin research on mini-research for Julius Caesar.

Date: March 2, 2007

All Periods:

1. CAT6 #7
2. William Shakespeare and Sonnet Assignment due Monday
3. Julius Caesar projects starting to present Tuesday.
Objective: Students will begin research on mini-research for Julius Caesar.

Date: March 1, 2007

All Periods:

1. CAT6 #7
2. William Shakespeare and Sonnet Assignment
3. Julius Caesar projects