Friday, January 30, 2015

Super Bowl Weekend!!!

Objective:  The students will discuss the requirements of the Person/Hero of the Year Research Paper and begin to find their person to write about.

1.  Get folders.
2.  Get Research Paper Handout.
3.  Go over the requirements of the paper.
4.  Spend the rest of the class using your phones, the computers, or anything else to find someone that you think is worthy of being the subject of your paper.

Hand in the Close Reading of "Legacy of Rescues" for points.

Outside Book needs to be in class on Monday for 100 points (even if I OKed it already!)

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Remember, sub tomorrow....

Objective:  The students will analyze an argumentative article to find all its claims that build the main argument.

1.  WP #4
2.  Handout:
3.  Use the CLOSE READING of the article to complete the handout.

Tomorrow:  CAHSEE Pre-Test tomorrow.  Pass and you won't have to take the "Boot Camp" class.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Good Morning! (Afternoon to Period 5)

Objective:  The students will read an informative article about heroes.

1.  WP #3
2.  Video
3.  Discuss Nothing Man
4.  Close Read "Legacy of Rescues" article

Homework:  Outside Book.  Find it.  Bring it.  Let me approve it.

Monday, January 26, 2015

How is that Honors Book hunt going?

Objective:  The students will read an ambiguous poem and try to analyze its main elements.

1.   Get folders
2.  WP #2 (Review of Inverted Triangle Format)
3.  "Nothing Man" activity

Homework:  Outside book approved and in class by Feb 2.  That is one week from today.

Friday, January 23, 2015

Don't You Just Love Fridays?!!

Objective:  The students will finish their first reading assignment within the Research Paper Unit.

1.  Get folders and sit in any group.
2.  Continue Close Reading of "The Man in the Water"
  1.  Gist statement for each paragraph:  what was the paragraph about?
  2.  Claim statement for each paragraph:  What "truth" or "fact" does the author present that leads to his overall argument?
  3. When you are all done"  Go back to the top of the paper and write the main argument (impleied thesis) that the author presents in the piece.
  4. Group activity:  Get assigned a paragraph to discuss as well as a question on the back to present.
Paragraph 2= 4     Paragraph 3=5    Paragraph 4= 6   paragraph 5= 7   Paragraph 6=8
Paragraph 7= 9            Paragraph 8= 10      Paragraph 9=11  

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Man in the Water: An example of a mpodern hero.

Objective:  The students will analyze an essay about a modern day hero.

1.  Get folders.
2.  Discuss Outside Reading (Book List and Book Report):  Due March 19.  See for requirements if you forget).  Need book in class and approved by next Feb. 2.
3.  Videos
4.  Close Read "The Man in the Water"
5.  Write down some ideas for the questions on the back of the packet to discuss tomorrow.

Homework:  Go over the book list, look for an interesting book, buy it on Amazon.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

What is a hero?

Objective:  The students will begin their unit on the Hero/Person of the year by reading one of the best essays ever written about a person.

1.  Get folders and the essay handout.
2.  Go over/Correct and Turn in Vocabulary.
3.  WP #1 (what is the difference between a news article and an editorial (op ed) piece?)
4.  Read "The Man in the Water" with the CD.

Homework:  Download and print the Honors Book List and the Book Report Format from my webpage. 

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

A New Start! Welcome to 2nd Semester

Objective:  The students will begin the second semester unit titled The Research Paper:  Person/Hero of the Year by completing our first vocabulary assignment.

1.  Get folders.  Clean out everything except for notes and handouts.
2.  Get both papers for vocabulary assignment.
3.  Complete assignment.  Due first thing tomorrow. 

Let's start off well! 

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Finals Day 3

Objective:  To pass. To get an A.  And look smart.

If you have any last minute thing to put in the computer or to fix, you must tell me NOW!

1.  Check to see if your answer sheet has your name.
2.  Review the "hints" that I talked about BUT I was wrong on Question 1 and 3.
3.  Take the final.

Grades by the end of the period.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Final Day 2

Objective:  To pass. To get an A.  And look smart.

If you have any last minute thing to put in the computer or to fix, you must tell me NOW!

1.  Check to see if your answer sheet has your name.
2.  Review the "hints" that I talked about BUT I was wrong on Question 1 and 3.
3.  Take the final.

Grades by the end of the period.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Final Day 1

Objective:  To pass. To get an A.  And look smart.

1.  Check to see if your answer sheet has your name.
2.  Take the final.
3.  Remember yesterday's hints.

If you have any last miniute thing to put in the computer or to fix, you must tell me NOW!

Grades by the end of the period.

Monday, January 12, 2015

I heard you all were awesome when I was gone. Thanks!

Objective:  Review the Final.

1.  Get folders and handout.
2.  How the final Works in this class:
          a)  Tomorrow, I will tell you all your grade when you come in.  That is your grade at this point.
          b)  You will ALL try hard on the final (if you fail on purpose... that will make me look bad.  And you don't want to make me look bad!)
          c)  I will grade the test as soon as you finish.  The test afects your grade in the following way:
                    1)  A= Grade up 3%
                    2)  B= Grade up 1%
                    3)  C= Grade stays as it is
                    4)  D= Grade drops 1%
                    5)  F= Grade drops 3%
3.  So here is a review.  Go over the terms.  If you know them, you will be fine.  I also have a few hints for you all!


Wednesday, January 07, 2015

Act II

Objective:  The students will continue reading the drama Twelve Angry Men through the rising action.  (I need to find a volunteer to "be me" tomorrow and Friday).

1.  Get folders and Book of Plays.
2.  WP 38 or 39
3.  Discuss the beginning of the play:
            1.  What do we call it?
            2.  What three things did you learn in it?
4.  Read Act 2.
5.  Turn in Vocabulary

Homework:  None.
Note:  There will be NO MORE EXTRA CREDIT ACCEPTED!  It's now too late.

Tuesday, January 06, 2015

Last Chance for Extra Credit

Objective:  The students will read a great, modern play and analyze character, tone and theme.

1.  Get folders and a Book of Plays from the side desk.
2.  Twelve people who would like Extra Credit fill the Juror Table.
3. WP  #37
4.  Go over important vocabulary definitions/denotations.
5.  read Act One page 219

Homework:  None

Monday, January 05, 2015

Welcome Back for one one more week of instruction before finals.

Objective:  The students will become familiar with important legal vocabulary in order to read and understand our upcoming drama.

1.  Get folders.  While you're there, see get your CD Projects.
2.  Get the handouts too for today's activity.
3.  Work in groups to define the 25 important words.  You will be familiar with many of them, so it should be easy.  If you are unfamiliar with the term, look it up on your phone.
4.  Complete the vocabulary assignment.

Homework:  NADA!