Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Objective: Students will know how determine an author’s argument in a non-fiction informational piece (Reading Standard 3.10)

Date: January 31, 2006

Periods 1 and 4
1. Persuasive Essay Notes
2. Go over “Who Wrote Shakespeare?” and get points
3. Drama Vocabulary

Periods 2 and 5
1. Persuasive Essay Notes
2. Go over “Who Wrote Shakespeare?” and get points
3. Drama Vocabulary
4. Shakespeare Note Handout Completion
5. Research Paper and Presentation Discussion

All documents for the day on Weblockrz

Monday, January 30, 2006

Objective: Students will know how determine an author’s argument in a non-fiction informational piece (Reading Standard 3.10)

Date: January 30, 2006

Periods 1-5
1. Get folder and interactive reader.
2. Sit in any seat where you can work.
3. CAT6 #1
4. Interactive Reader: “Who Wrote Shakespeare?”
5. Homework: Get new outside reading novel and start reading.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Objective: Students will know how to pull important information from literature and set up an outline.

Date: January 10, 2006

Both documents for today on Weblockers

Periods 1 and 4 (Get notebook lit book)
1. Satire Review (due tomorrow)
2. “RMS Titanic” Outline and reading
3. Homework: You all should be reading your last novel of the semester at home for book report due January 18, 2006

Periods 2 and 5
1. Same as above