Friday, October 29, 2010

Objective: The students will complete analysis of Typhoid Fever and work on projects.

1. CAT6
2. Turn in Study Guide
3. Finish Typhoid
4. MC Projects

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Objective: The students will complete analysis of Angela's Ashes.

See you tomorrow.... Be on time ZERO PERIOD!!!

1. CAT6
2. Discuss Chapter 50.
3. Complete Angela's Ashes Worksheet
4. Compete Study Guide 41-50

Homework: Catch up on anything MC if you are behind.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Objective Students will discuss the use of vernacular style in The Secret Lion and then read a story with a similar narrator.

Get Lit Book and Folder.

1. CAT6
2. Discuss The Secret Lion
3. Notes
4. Read "Typhoid Fever" p. 194

Homework: Chapter 50 Monte Cristo

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Objective: The students will write in a different point of view, show that they understand how Nortier broke up the wedding, and complete The Secret Lion assignment.

1. CAT6
2. Quiz 46-48
3. Complete assignment
4. Chapter 49 MC

Monday, October 25, 2010

Objective: Students will read a short story that uses vernacular style.

1. CAT6
2. Notes
3. Read story
4. Complete assignment

HW: MC chapter 48

Friday, October 22, 2010

Objective: Finish video. Read the next chapter of Monte CRisto

1. Video completion and watch Alternate ending if you want...
2. Discuss Chapter 46
3. Study Guide up to Chapter 46

Read Monte Cristo Chapter 47

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Objective: Relax!

1. Discuss Chapters if there are any questions.
2. Video.

Read Chapter 46

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Objective: See if the Honors kids are reading Monte Cristo or just waiting for me to give them the answers to the study guide questions.

1. 100 point qiuz on chapter 42-43.
2. Discuss: Chapters 41-42-43 depending on the outcome of the test.
3. Either the movie or the story based on the outcome of the test.
4. Monte Cristo Chapters 44-45. 45 is a great chapter. Dantes and Mercedes talk!!!!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Objective: The students will read a cautionary tale written in first person.

1. CAT6
2. Handout Study Guide for 40-50
3. Read By the Waters of Babylon

Homework: MC 42-43

Monday, October 18, 2010

Objective: Students will identify the POV of stories that we have read... and some that we haven't.

1. Get lit book and folder.
2. MC Quiz Chapters 36-40
3. Turn in MC Study Guide (discuss if there are questions)
4. Correct Vocab and turn in
5. Notes
6. POV assignment

HW: Read Chapter 41

Friday, October 15, 2010

Objective: The students' Active Reading, Comprehension and Literary Analysis writing will be checked.

1. Everyone get your book and report out.
2. Work on one of the following until called: MC Chapters 39-40 (Study Guide) or Vocab.
3. 400 point Book Report/Oral Question/AR Check.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Objective: The students will know important vocabulary to read The Secret Lion

1. Get Vocab.
2. You have two days to do it... in case you want to work on something else Literature.
3. Chapter 37 Discussion
4. MC Chapter 38 and study guide

Book Report Tomorrow. E mail it if absent. But I still need to see the book!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Objective: The students will quiz and discuss Chapters 31-36. Work on Study Guide Questions and complete Chapter 37 of MC.

1. Quiz 31-36
2. MC Chapter 37
3. Transition Day: Book Report, MC Projects, Organize Folders.

Book Report Due on Friday: How much you want to bet more than 5 people TRY (note the word "try") to turn in a book and report on Monday???

Monday, October 11, 2010

Objective: The students will review Chapter 2 of lit book for tomorrow's test.

1. Get lit book and a handout. Do Not Write on Handout.
2. Chapter 2 Review: Handout and Pages 130-135.
3. Monte Cristo Chapter 35

Homework: Outside Book. Book Report. Due Friday. No late papers will be graded.

Thursday, October 07, 2010

Objective: Students will see a perfect example of five songs that would make an A+ CD for the Monte Cristo project.

1. CAT6 (get out your study guide and put it on your desk.)
2. Monte Cristo Study Guide turn in. Discuss any questions you may have on chapters.
3. Monte Cristo Music CD Quiz 1-30
4. Complete yesterday's Two Kinds assignment. Turn in tomorrow.
5. MC Chapters 31-32 (He meets Mercedes, Fernand and Danglars!!!!!)

Book Report Due October 15. NO LATE PAPER WILL BE GRADED!!! 400 points!!!!

Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Objective: Students will know expectations of the Book Report.

1. Book Report Format from Blackboard.
2. Finish reading "Two Kinds"
3. Two Kinds assignment
4. Monte Cristo chapter 30
5. Study Guide due tomorrow.

Book Report due October 15. NO LATE PAPERS WILL BE ACCEPTED. DON'T TRY ME!!!

Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Objective: The students will know what's happening in the Chapters read last night and discuss the importance of the developments.

1. Quiz Chapters 25-28
2. Correct Vocab
3. Show example of the Book Report Format on Blackboard
4. Read Two Kinds up to page 103 if time allows

Homework: MC Chapter 29. Note: Direct to Indirect due date: I will move it to Friday. You're Welcome!!

Monday, October 04, 2010

Objective: The students will know important words for reading of Two Kinds

1. Get folder and lit book
2. CAT6
3. Turn in CAT6 Packet 11-20
4. Two Kinds vocab
5. Direct to Indirect due typed on Wednesday
6. MC Reading Chapters 27-28 (20 pages)

Friday, October 01, 2010

Objective: Students will write their second Writing Sample for their portfolio: Direct to INdirect Characterization.

1. Discuss MC Chapters 25-26. Students need to note that between Chapter 25 and 26 NINE years has past. Dantes is now 42 years old. WHAT HAS HE BEEN DOING FOR ALL OF THOSE YEARS????

2. Go over and turn in Everyday Use assignment.
4. Direct to Indirect Writing
5. NO MC READING. IF YOU ARE BEHIND.... CATCH UP! Work on projects. I will give my sample Soundtrack Quiz next week to show how I would choose my songs.